My wife didnt tighten the fuel cap so the check engine light came on. Now that she tightened it, the light is still on, will it go away after a while or I have to do something to reset it? Thanks
it should go away after being driven a few times. or an auto parts store can reset it for free with their scanner.
Remove negative terminal wire on 12v battery for 10seconds. Worked for me after diagnosis from auto parts store for code po441/455. Auto parts stores will only do check not reset.
I got the 441/455 light from the store scan, bought the gas cap, went back and had them delete the codes. Light still on after 3+ drive cycles.
There can be other causes for those codes, so it's possible the light's still on because no one's diagnosed and fixed the problem yet.
Topping off the gas when filling up can, also, pop a code if some gas gets into the onboard vapor recovery system. (There's a tube up near the top of the gas fill and if the person refueling continues to put gas in after the auto-shutoff they can let gas get in there...very bad and expensive issue to get fixed.) I see folks all the time at gas stations way overfilling their cars....just let it fill automatically and when it stops, that's it. (Replacing the charcoal cannister is around $400 plus labor time.)
I have an iphone 11 and purchased a nexas OBD code reader on amazon. I believe the cost was pretty reasonable. It allowed me to have functionality with the dr. prius app and another app i use for diagnostics called car scanner. It worked great when I forgot to hook up the hose to the intake manifold and the car threw a bunch of codes. I.e. works great for forgetfulness and diagnosing real problems
I have replaced the fuel cap and purge valve and CEL is still on after probably 7-9 drive cycles and probably 150+ miles. The codes were "permanent" they said (where the scanner can't reset them) designed so people couldn't pass emissions tests or inspection simply by clearing codes beforehand. Only way they clear is by driving pattern