I'm considering a used 2012 Prius Plug in with 170k. I'm upgrading from a 2009 Prius and wanted to know if any major issues in the 3rd gen ICE engine besides the blown head gasket issue which plagued this 1.8l engine or any major problems I should look out for? So I did a test drive in an used a plug in and the 1st thing I noticed with 3/4 charged hybrid battery in the Prius and the ICE engine kick in and drove like a regular hybrid. I wasn't able to get EV mode since I thought it would use the Hybrid battery for 6-12 miles before it kick in as Hybrid mode. On the dash showed 75% battery charged on the dash but drove like a regular Hybrid. Do I have to engage only EV mode to run down the battery 1st? My goal is to buy a used Plug-in and try to get 10 miles range in pure EV mode under 50 mph and try to use the gas engine very rarely if possible. I have a charging port at my house and overnight charging can be done every day to keep the Prius top off. Is this bad for the hybrid battery? Is this driving style even possible for Plug in? I know if floor it or drive it on highway speeds over 70mph the ICE will kick in. S Is it possible to drive under 10 miles per day and charge back to 100% and never use gas for a whole year? Please give me a little insight on the Plug in. SM-A536U ?
Partway through model year 2014 Toyota revised piston rings (and pistons to accommodate the revised rings). The revised rings have more outward springiness, are less prone to allow oil to get past. The VIN at which the revision occurred is in the attached.
Tl;dr 2015 would be the best year because of the pistons The battery icon has two functions. After a full charge, it looks solid. When the wall charge runs out, it is divided into segments or bars Once you learn to differentiate, you’ll know when you have ev available or not
I am wondering why you are saying it is not an upgrade. We went from an '04 to our current '12 PIP and would certainly consider it an upgrade. Currently at 111,000 miles with almost zero issues so far. I change the oil every 10-12,000 miles, filing to about 2/3 of the way up between the two marks on the dipstick. It is down to about 1/3 between when it comes time to change again. Does the ring failure come on suddenly or is it usually gradual?
I’m glad yours is running well. Mine has engine problems at only 30,000 miles. Have you been following all of the head gasket, EGR, brake actuator and inverter problems here?