I find the feature to lock the charging port lid along with the doors is an annoyance. Has anyone disabled it? I'd be fine with a software solution if anyone knows a way (seems there isn't), but I'm open to physically cutting power to the locking mech also. For discussion purposes, the intuitive steps for charging my car are: -Park -Open driver door -Lock the car (now, or likely forget to lock it at all) with the physical button in the door -Get out -Close driver door Then, when I go to charge the car, sometimes the lid is locked closed. Either I have my fob in my laptop bag too far away from the charging port lid or I'm leaning away just far enough with the fob in my pocket that it doesn't register. Every time this happens I wonder what protection this feature even offers (though that isn't the main point of this thread). The other annoying time is when I want to charge at home and have to walk back inside in order to unlock the lid/car. This is separate from locking the charging connector (I don't ever lock it).
Maybe if you can't unlock it you'll buy more gas? That does seem to be the highest priority for Toyota these days.
There are two connectors of interest I see behind charge port. The white connector (red box) seems to control most features in the charging area (port locking, lid locking and area light). The black connector might control proximity unlock? but also the sensor for the lid being open. Disconnecting the white connector (seven wires) was required to disable lid locking. It'd be nice to save the illumination, but I'm not bothered enough to figure out which wires are needed. I originally disconnected both connectors, which worked, but also disabled the dash notification when the lid was open (car would still not drive when plugged in). I now have just the white connector disconnected and it seems to behave the way I'd like. Charging the car is unaffected. Disconnecting the black one through that side hole is probably doable but the white one would be a challenge. I originally took out all of the rear internal floor and unhinged the side wall to get to the white connector. I just opened it again but only unhinged and slightly bent the sidewall open and that seemed safe enough to me. I think I could reconnect both through that side hole though if necessary.
If only the car had walk away lock... What a stupid thing not to add when the car can already detect the presence of the fob.