My light is going off but all tires are inflated to 40. Tire says psi51 How can I tell if something is wrong?
The number on the sidewall of the tire means nothing useful. That vehicle likely has some warranty left. See a dealer. And while you are there, see about getting an owners manual.
@Arttillygirl , if you need a copy of the 2022 owner's manual check here: Prius Prius Prime
The TPMS light should be OUT after briefly coming ON with the rest of the Warning Lights during the Power On sequence. So if it is ON, it is telling you something is wrong. 51 psi on the tire sidewall is the MAX COLD TIRE PRESSURE from the Tire manufacturer and is related to the MAX LOAD the tire is rated for. There should be a placard on the driver's door jam that gives Recommended Tire Pressures from Toyota. For my 2016 with 17-inch tires it says 33 psi front and 32 psi rear. Yours should be similar. Probably the easiest thing to do is take your car to a tire shop and tell them the TPMS light is on. They will check and set the proper tire pressures and then deal with the light. It may be as simple as resetting the system in the car's settings. Or it may be that one of your tire sensors is malfunctioning and not communicating with the car properly. In that case, the tire shop will replace the sensor and get your system working again.
I would think you're 2021 or 2022 car should not have bad tire sensors yet so more than likely it's seeing a tire that's going down or is overinflated. The tire shops today have a wand that they can wave over your tires and your car and it will tell them whether you have a bad sensor or if there's some other communication problem between your TPMS sensor and your car's system It's pretty simple they usually don't charge you for it or what have you until they need to replace a sensor and that sort of thing be wary of that because they can be costly or you can easily be overcharged for realize a set of four sensors from the manufacturer Pacific that made the sensors for most of the Prius are like $39 for a set of four not $40 a piece but you pay what you pay because you do googling can help you understand what is going on. The company that makes most of the TPMS sensors for your wheels along with the center caps is a company called Pacific your tire sensors that were made by them have green in the logo not red in the Pacific logo itself you want the green for your Prius generally speaking. If none of this is making any sense just go to the tire store pay the bill.
It's just the battery getting old in the sensors... I have one sensor that works great around town, but after an hour or two on the freeway the battery won't work, then light goes away when I'm back in town. Easiest fix is to figure out which tire it is and replace that sensor. Or just wait till you buy new tires and replace all the the sensors with new ones.
They're made by a company called Pacific they make the center caps for your wheels too if you flip your wheels over and look on the inside of the center cap it says Pacific so on eBay if you look up Pacific branded TPMS sensors you want the ones with the green in the logo not the red in the word Pacific look carefully what you'll be taking out are generally green label Pacific TPMS sensors. Last time I bought they were like $39.95 for a set of four
Her car is only a year old. Do you ever THINK before you start running off on a tangent ??? It certainly doesn't look like it.
I’ve got a ‘22. Check your actual tire pressures (should be set around 33 pounds each). If they are all pretty close to that you only need to reset the TPMS which is easy to do following the instructions in post #4. HIGHLY UNLIKELY there’s any other problem unless one of the tires are low. Just pump it back up and the alarm will clear.
You'll need to take it back to the dealership you bought it from, to sort it out. If the car has been in an accident, the pickup sensor or the tire sensor could be misaligned or damaged - causing an intermittent read or misread. If this is the case; PAY and independent shop to inspect the entire car, to see if there are any other surprises. Hope this helps..... was obtained from a Toyota dealer, that would be a good option. BUT as mentioned earlier, there is a HIGH pressure alarm too and just putting all of the pressures back down to the recommendation likely will eliminate the problem. Certainly worth a try. And the ride likely will be a bit smoother too.
I run my 2021 Prime @ 40psi all the way around. Never recalibrated TPMS and pumped the tires back up after the free dealership oil changes and tire rotations. Only had the lamp come on, when I caught a nail in a tire.
I run my 2021 Prime @ 40psi all the way around. Never recalibrated TPMS and pumped the tires back up after the free dealership oil changes and tire rotations. Only had the lamp come on, when I caught a nail in a tire.