If my questions have been answered way too many times here, please gently refer me to another conversation that answers them. Thanks. The company with which I have had my auto insurance for over 30 years has really jumped my rate this year. I'm trying to get an online quote from another company. I am being asked if my 2022 Prius XLE has any of the following. I have retrieved my sticker showing standard equipment, but the verbiage doesn't match, probably due to some Toyota trademarked names for standard features. Forward Collision Warning without Autonomous Braking Adaptive Headlights, Curve Night Vision Forward Collision Warning with Autonomous Braking Adaptive Cruise Control with Complete Stop Collision Prevention or Mitigation System, Low Speed Night Vision with Pedestrian Detection Thanks in advance for any information anyone can give me on this. Responses free of emoticons, emojis, and animated GIFs are greatly appreciated.
bisco, thanks for taking the time to reply. However, I hope that you or another member will take some time to answer me directly. As for insurance companies (assuming that is what is meant by "inscos") having the access to this information through my Vehicle Identification Number, I was actually surprised to see that once I put in my drivers license number, my current insurance information was pre-populated, and then once the insurance information was obtained, they populated my vehicle information. In fact, my airbag and anti-theft information was populated, with the ability for me to change it if I had paid extra for more enhanced features. Perhaps it is true that my Prius does not have the features I listed above, but if I had paid extra for them, maybe in the aftermarket, I would be able to note them. So, if someone would kindly let me know if the features I listed in my original message are not usually included in a 2022 Prius XLE, then I will know to leave them blank in the online quote request.
have you plugged your vin in at toyota.com/owners? idk if it would show anything beyond the window sticker this chart shows that you have TSS 2.0, and what is included. idk how any of it translates to the terminology in your first post. TSS_Applicability_Chart.pdf
idk = ? My concern is that it will use the same wording that is on my sticker, which I would need to translate to what the insurance company wants. Maybe the insurance company does see this information but doesn't know how it translates to what they call it. I went to toyota.com/owners, but it requires me to sign in. I don't have time right now to either create an account or do password recovery, a process I've already been through today to get on here for the first time in probably more than a decade. Maybe I'll try it in a day or so.
Based on my 2022 XLE dealer supplied info and translating it to the terminology you used, here is what you probably have: Forward Collision Warning with Autonomous Braking Adaptive Cruise Control with Complete Stop Collision Prevention or Mitigation System, Plus Pedestrian Detection Also, for what it’s worth, all insurance companies had a big jump in rates this year due to the increased repair costs from inflation and supply chain issues.
I remember about 6 years ago, I had put in a claim on my 2014 Honda Civic after some one slightly tapped my rear bumper at a red light. It was not bent, only scratch through the plastic bumper. The total body shop cost was $700 which was a remove, bondo, repaint, install. My 2020 Prius had a similar rear ended, no bents, but the lower black plastic trim need to be replaced (it cannot be repainted) and the bumper was similar condition, removed, bondo, repaint AND recalibrate parking sensors, $2000 repair. Half of the cost was getting the sensor recalibrated by a mobile dealer tech. The price of technology.
Thanks to everyone who responded. I apologize to bisco for overlooking the link to the TSS Applicability Chart. However, the terminology used for what's included does not use the same terminology as any of the items on the insurance company's online quote website. Doug McC, thanks for the list of what appears to be included. I am guessing that Collision Prevention or Mitigation System as you have typed it is at least as good as Collision Prevention or Mitigation System, Low Speed as it appears on the insurance company's online quote website. But after all this, when I checked off the the three items you supplied, it didn't change the quote much, if at all. The quote I've gotten so far is still a few hundred dollars a year lower than what my long-time carrier is going to charge me. I thought maybe this was a post-COVID-19 rate adjustment because this company lowered rates at the time because of fewer people driving. Last year, it jumped a bit more than usual, but I attributed that to my new car.
my ins jumped alot as well on a 2021. i noticed the 2021 has a factory shield over the cat. wonder if the insurance companies are aware since the higher rates may have to do with cat thefts