Snapped this shot while leaving the local Kalispell MT Discount Tire store . We are well over a thousand miles from the closest service center so it seems the owner is living large. LOL It was 2 years ago we spotted our 1st pickup Rivian & had the same thought back then - about making it to the service center. .
Given EVs have about two orders of magnitude fewer moving parts, it seems a reasonable risk to me. For example, I'm still waiting on my first oil change after four years and 115,000 miles. One of my favorite people, Sandy Munro, has a Rivian and his wife loves it. But she insists on keeping their Tesla for road trips ... after some CCS-1 experiences. Tesla doesn't have to make every style of EV. Just the profitable ones. Bob Wilson
They're nice vehicles. Well built and lots of details. Even though it's shorter than the R1T, I can still lie down inside the cabin with both rows folded and still have left over space so I think @hill will be able to fit if he were to go car camping.
Yeah no .... we go camping .... but with a Jewish American princess / better ½ ?? ... her idea of roughing it is in our self leveling MB - with AC, refrigerator, bathroom w/ shower, & yes - that round Dome on the roof is dynamically adjusting satellite TV - so she can watch her Gilmore Girls reruns w/ Fufu adult beverage in hand as we're heading down the road. . View attachment 245183 When rivian or Tesla or other chassis providers send them to build a Class C behind it? That will be way cool .
That is merely 514 miles from the Bellevue Rivian Service Center. I noticed a Rivian SUV for the first time yesterday, just outside Discovery Park in Seattle's Magnolia neighborhood. But that area would be one of its natural habitats, and just 17 miles from the service center.
Ah! Didn't notice that service center. Only 500 miles LOL. I don't know how close a service center would need to be to us in order to make a purchase but as far as I can tell even the closest Tesla service center is over 200 miles from us & that also seems way too far if something goes south on a relatively new model vehicle. Ironically when we were in South OC Calif we were just a few miles from Costa Mesa service center & yet during afternoon gridlock? It could easily take 1½ hours to get there - one way or back home. .
I see Rivian Amazon vans practically every day. Once in a while, I see the pickups on the road and have just started seeing the SUVs. Good luck with repairs, as the service center is in Brooklyn.