Hello all, I am in a bit of a pistachio and I'm hoping you can help me out. I recently bought two Priuses at auction. I'd like to keep one of them and ship my car down the road because it has 233k. Up first is a 2007 w/ 143k that was donated. I initially planned on keeping this car because it is beautiful. However, the steering is off center 15 degrees to the left. The car seems to pull straight on the highway, but I also noticed the effort seems a little higher as well. I am wondering how big of a problem this is? Don't think I'd have much luck diagnosing it and even though it drives fine now it would likely always bug me. Up next is a 2009 w/ 151k on it. This car was in a front end collision. I originally hoped to flip it without too much work. Unfortunately, I ended up having to pull the rad and condenser. I have a set up from a parts car to swap back in but if I kept it I'd get new. I think I might keep this 2009 and take advantage of the rad removal and swap the thermostat, 3 way valve, and both water pumps. What do you guys think? '07 donated car w/ 143k vs '09 collision car w/ 151k - I can swap my 2018 replacement OEM traction battery into either, but I think the '09 might have a swapped battery as well? Can anyone PLEASE pin a date on this PrimeEarth battery??? Thanks!
Doesn't look like really a collision It won't looks more like the front bumper cover was ripped off and by that getting ripped off some other stuff got displaced as well I like the green ones personally the gold ones have that crappy interior that's tan and I can't stand it so do some of the green ones But interiors are quick to change if that's your thing fix them both and sell one of them I mean it's kind of a no-brainer The battery getting the date off of Not sure about that maybe call the Toyota dealer and give them all the nonsense they can pin it down a lot better than I know I can but I don't know what you have in these but both of them are very fixable put one in the fleet send one down the road should be easy no problem and sell quickly One of the easiest things you'll ever do.
You don't have a state listed so it's hard to say but will happen where you are but here in the southeast where I am both of those cars would sell for premium once the pieces are back on the bottom one The rest of it's kind of irrelevant Year color choices the few pieces that your swapping out here and there really moot for a discussion while it's open if you want to replace three-way valves and inverter pumps and radiators by all means go ahead I usually use used Toyota stuff rather than try to buy aftermarket there's too much trouble with some radiators and some condensers I have plenty of used here I just reuse them they're so fast to change the discussion between new aftermarket and old used original I generally go with the used original sometimes I'll send it over to my buddy at the radiator shop who can pressurize it and the condenser straighten out any fins and just have a quick look over for me relatively cheap so I go with that and try to stay original new aftermarket doesn't always equal success.
I'm actually in the rust capital of the country (MN) and the 2007 is a MN car. The 2009 is a North Carolina car and it doesn't have any rust! I don't know what I'm looking at. I think that just about seals it. I agree, I hate the tan interior as well, but I can live with it for a southern car. These are rarer than a hen's teeth around here. It doesn't even have the rear rocker panel rust that every single MN prius has. I am going OEM on the pumps, thermostat, and valve but will probably go Denso for the aluminum. I did that when a racoon destroyed the rad/cond. on my car in 2017 and it seemed to work well. The Denso rads actually have a one piece aluminum neck and not the silly plastic neck that can leak.
All you can come on down here every few years and get you another one because they're plentiful they're being taken off the road for really silly reasons now just because of their age insurance companies will pack them up with a rear bumper cover damage or front or whatever but anything to get them off the road from their parts everywhere I know a guy that's supposedly has like 200 of them in his backyard
Date? Not sure. It used to be in the serial number but the encoding on the PrimeEarth sticker looks different than the references I found. decoding hv battery pack sn for date | PriusChat However, the Toyota sticker has 211104, which is probably 21 11 04 in some order and looks like a date. If that is a replacement on a 2018 the year would be >18, so it is probably 2021 Nov 04 or 2021 11 April. For your purposes only the year really matters. Just a guess though.
If that was a date Toyota usually uses YYMMDD format so 4 Nov 2021 would be the date. It doesn't make sense though for a battery bought in 2018, that is if I understand correctly that his 2007 got a new battery in 2018. Bah humbug, scrub that. This is the battery from the 09, so it might be a 2021 battery. The only thing I can see within the serial number is the last half of the part number 47031 starting at pos. 8.
No matter what the battery stickers and all say on it if something's up you're going to lift the cover and look at what's happening under there regardless of year making model of the battery I don't care if it was bought last week unless you paid Toyota to install it and all of that it's going to be on you to do the troubleshooting to the vehicle regardless of what the sticker says I didn't pay Toyota so the troubleshooting will be on me or I'm paying at the dealership $150 an hour or what have you That's not fixing to happen any kind of way.
I'd go with that as well. Here's the new OE pack I just put in my 06 last week. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.