This would be a tough combination to beat and will be the scenario in 08. Just remember you heard it here first. [attachmentid=5910] Wildkow p.s. This is not a promotion and this is not an endorsement of any particular candidate. It is only intended for educational purposes.
Why Clinton? Do Americans have some sort of perverse yearning for a monarchy? It was surreal enough having the son of a former president elected, but to then have the wife of the next president would be beyond a joke. I would strongly suggest a law barring close family members of previous presidents from the role. It can't be healthy to concentrate power among so few. There are nearly 300 million other Americans to choose from... Like Bush Jr, it just smacks of nepotism, elitism and entrenched privilege.
I seriously doubt you'll see a Clinton/Obama ticket in '08. It's going to be hard enough for Americans to accept either (a woman or a black) as a won't likely see them both. Vince
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(KMO @ Dec 13 2006, 06:26 PM) [snapback]361909[/snapback]</div> I was thinking, "Are you kidding?", but noticed you're from UK. Google Adams, Taft, Roosevelt, Kennedy. American politics is filled with familial dynasties. In fact, its a staple of pop mass psychology that Americans long for a royalty, eg Kennedys == Camelot.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(KMO @ Dec 13 2006, 06:26 PM) [snapback]361909[/snapback]</div> Don't mind Kow. He's sitting there in his mom's rec room thinking, "A broad and a (insert term for African American here)? Damn, even Dick Cheney could beat a bill like that!" Fortunately, most Democrats don't like Hillary, either. And it's not because she's female, and it's not because her husband has a famous libido; it's because she's a politician in the worst sense of the word ("I voted FOR the Iraq war before I voted FOR it again, but now that it's becoming unpopular, I'm backpeddling like Hell!"), so she'd never be nominated in a million years.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(KMO @ Dec 13 2006, 03:26 PM) [snapback]361909[/snapback]</div> Probably because she is an excellent Senator, learns from her mistakes and has good ideas. She has to be elected. It doesn't come as a family privilege. How do you think Charles will make out in the next King/Queen thing?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Dec, 05:41 PM) [snapback]361964[/snapback]</div> He doesn't have a chance in hell of becoming the next Queen.
I'd vote for Barak Obama. But not necessarily for VP. But I think he's too smart to run this young. He's got plenty of time, he's smart, and he can use his time to make more of a name for himself. Just my guess. I highly doubt the Democrats would nominate a slate as competent as Clinton / Obama. Would Clinton accept the second spot if Obama were the presidential nominee? I'd vote for Obama/Clinton. But the mere fact that I would vote for them probably means they'd lose.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stev0 @ Dec 13 2006, 05:06 PM) [snapback]361949[/snapback]</div> You could be right ... the Democratic Party is one where a candidate from way back in the pack can come out on top. President Clinton and President Carter were that way. So we could see someone we aren't even thinking of right now at the top of the Democrats ticket (I think both Evan Bayh and Tom Vilsack are good candidates that haven't gotten much press).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stev0 @ Dec 13 2006, 05:06 PM) [snapback]361949[/snapback]</div> I noticed that you started your post with an insult, way to go StevO. Wildkow <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Dragonfly @ Dec 13 2006, 05:44 PM) [snapback]361965[/snapback]</div> LOL! :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Dec 13 2006, 11:21 PM) [snapback]361975[/snapback]</div> Man, that made my night. I don't like Hilliary, not one bit. Don't know enough about the dude. So, I guess I would have to say, I don't know if I would vote for a ticket like that.
Okay, next question: Why "Hillary + Obama"? Why not "Clinton + Obama" or "Hillary + Barack"? Is there some sexism here? How come Obama gets the respect of the use of his surname, but Clinton doesn't? I'd go for Gore/Edwards, myself. But what do I know - I'm English...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Dec 13 2006, 06:06 PM) [snapback]361898[/snapback]</div> Obama would be smarter NOT to be associated with Hilary who has little if any chance of winning the Presidency with her persistant high negative ratings - not to mention all the baggage she has to carry. If Obama does NOT run he will probably have to wait 8 years and by then he will have a record to attack. It is interesting that the Democratic Presidential timber is so short that a guy with less than two years experience in the Senate is their #1 guy. What does that tell you? Obama does have other issues that will be used against him - one of which is his middle name - not that I am for that - but I am sure it will become an stupid issue. Either way, the Repubs will have significant candidates that will be running including McCain, Rudy, Mitt to name a few. I think winning control of both houses (pending the condition of the Senator that just underwent surgery - hope he is ok) is a bad thing for the Dems. Instead of being able to sit back, snipe, and claim they have no control over things - they now have the Wheel and the Accelerator of the American government - and the future is sure to be bumpy.
a Clinton/Obama ticket (or Obama/Clinton) ticket wouldn't win. There are just too many people out there right now who wouldn't vote for a woman or a black man. Throw the two of them together, and you're almost guaranteed to lose, despite being large political figures. Additionally, there are a lot of people who dislike Clinton. Some can't respect her because she didn't leave Bill, others don't like her politics, but most just think she's an ice hearted b*tch. Given that the Republicans have some very, very strong runners this time around, anyone who is politically intelligent, which would have to include these two, would either try to stay out of the race or have to feel that they have a rock solid case. With all the problems they would face do to sex and race, these two will not run together this time around. it would be political suicide. That being said, i do think Obama will run at some point (and when he does, he'll have my vote), and i hope Clinton runs at some point, just so i can vote against her. Now, even though i don't think they'd stand a snowballs chance in hell of winning, if they did win they'd make the perfect pair in the White House - Both would have people (people who believe that only a white male should be running the country) gunning for them, but at the same time they'd almost be protected because "someone worse" was second in line. :lol: Unless they can come up with someone extremely good (like fshagan suggested, someone from the back that we don't even know about), i think this next election will go to McCain/Guiliani (in either order)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eagle33199 @ Dec 14 2006, 09:46 AM) [snapback]362115[/snapback]</div> Agreed. If Rudy is VP which is the likely scenario - the potential is for a combined 16 year term. Rudy is a pro-choice Repub - something Dems fear wholeheartedly - and as a NY'er - a great leader. He may have been the best mayor here ever with Eddy K a close second. Rudy was magnificent during and after 9/11 (the exact opposite from Nagrin in NO),
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(KMO @ Dec 14 2006, 03:41 AM) [snapback]362088[/snapback]</div> I suspect it's just the desire to try to be clear: distinguishing Hillary from Bill. Also, people who become famous enough sometimes get refered to by their first names. I don't think you can read too much into the use of Hillary's first name. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eagle33199 @ Dec 14 2006, 06:46 AM) [snapback]362115[/snapback]</div> I find it interesting that someone who worked so hard for universal medical care is regarded as "ice-hearted" while someone who wages a war against the wrong country, killing thousands of Americans and probably tens or hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, is just thought of as a down-home boy. As far as not leaving Bill, if every woman who's husband cheated on her left him, the institution of marriage would disintegrate. She probably fell out of love with the jerk years ago, and they stayed together for the kids, or for the tax benefits. In any case, her decisions regarding her private life have nothing to do with her fitness to govern. In any case, I probably would not vote for her. I see her as prettly much another Democrat, like any other Democrat, neither better nor worse, and if she runs I'll probably vote Green.
Given daniel's comments i should clarify my stance: I don't like Hilary, wouldn't vote for her ever. But it's not due to any of those reasons i posted... those are just what i see as the three leading reasons people (in general) don't like her. On a side note, if my and my apparent nemesis on the boards here can agree on this, I'm wondering who will step up to argue the other way? :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TJandGENESIS @ Dec 14 2006, 03:01 AM) [snapback]362075[/snapback]</div> The short story on Obama is that he's from Illinois. Illinois requires all political candidates to have a couple hundred insider deals going on at any given time and Illinois politicians are either indicted or under investigation at all times just to keep the playing field level. In Obama's case, he bought his house a couple years ago. On the same day, a fella bought the empty lot next door to Obama's new purchase. Obama got a $300,000 discount on his piece of the pie, the political lobbiest paid full fare for the empty lot. (both bought from the same seller on the same day). To make the deal look more legit so nobody thought that Obama now gets use of this extra lot as an extended play yard for his kids, Obama decided they should put a fence between the two. While they were at it, could Obama buy a 10 foot wide hunk of that empty lot? Yeah... and the sale price initially was insanely low.. but later revised so it wouldn't seem too weird. Obama designed this fence between the properties, but the political insider paid for the fence to be built ($15,000). I haven't seen the thing, but apparently the only access to the empty lot now that the fence in up, is through a gate from Obama's back yard. Obama is the guy with the key (what a nice neighbor), and Obama has been paying for the lawn mower man on both properties. Once brought to light, Obama said that it's all above board, just that the insider guy owes Obama a few hundred for his part of the services and they've been too busy to settle up. Oh.. the guy who bought the lot at full fare and paid for the fence is a guy named Rezko. He's in pretty much all the politicians pockets around here and right now they're all trying to pretend about how little they really know the guy. You google him enough, you find him on vacation with the govenor, all kinds of really fun stuff. One article, there are many.. Anyhow, this whole thing stinks just like all the stuff going on in the Chicago Mayors office and all the junk going on with Gov. GRod down in Springfield.