Well we all have the 0-60 number. Does anybody have a performance meter they can hook up to the old Prius and fill in the blanks? I believe their 0-30 and 0-40 numbers are much quicker than many people give credit. G4 vs G5 would be VERY interesting I think. The G4 is where things started to get "peppy". If someone is interested in performing this test, you might make sure the traction battery charge is equivalent before each run to... say.. 4 bars? I think the level of charge does affect the torque a bit. I don't think 4 vs 5 bars makes a different, but low 3 vs solid 4 could IMO.
Okay! We've got some G5 Prime performance numbers thanks to @vvillovv Had to convert from KPH to MPH so the brackets will be a little wonky. MPH 0-6.21 = 0.5s 0-12.43 = 1.1 0-18.64 = 1.7 0-24.85 = 2.3 0-31.07 = 2.9 0-37.28 = 3.5 0-43.50 = 4.2 0-49.71 = 5.0 0-55.92 = 5.9 0-62.14 = 7.0 KPH 0-10 = 0.5 0-20 = 1.1 0-30 = 1.7 0-40 = 2.3 0-50 = 2.9 0-60 = 3.5 0-70 = 4.2 0-80 = 5.0 0-90 = 5.9 0-100 = 7.0
Here's the numbers for some older Prii for comparison. 2004 MPH 0-10 = 1.6 0-20 = 2.7 0-30 = 3.7 0-40 = 5.2 0-50 = 7.5 0-60 = 11.0 0-70 = 17.0 0-80 = 25.5 0-90 = 34.1 2009 MPH 0-10 = 0-20 = 0-30 = 3.2 0-40 = 5.0 0-50 = 7.3 0-60 = 10.1 0-70 = 13.6 0-80 = 18.0 0-100 KPH = 10.5
Love to see passing zone accel. figures too, say 55-85 mph. This is one range where the 2022 Prime has surprised me. Much quicker than my 2013 Prius 3. In fact, it is adequate for two-lane passing zone performance that borders on being really "quick," Love to see numbers comparing the 22 and 23 passing performance. I'd bet the 23 is awesome.
@Downrange - watching the video and using the video timestanps it took from the 6 sec timestamp at 90 km/h to the 13 sec timestamp at 136 km/h on the first run in the video when he was in HV mode with the Gen 5 Prime.
I think I need to find some data on the 300 ft times to answer my question about pure quickness. Understanding HP and torque and its impact on MPH vs ET times is not a light discussion. In a nutshell, torque = ability to do work, and HP is the speed of the ability to do work. Electricity generates tons of torque. Two cars can run the same ET's, with one crossing the finish line at a faster speed due to higher HP. With that in mind, I don't think 0-40,50,60 times tell the entire tale. I need distance ET's.
I may have to report my (ultimate off-topic) post, but sorry, I can't resist; here's some significant acceleration stat's: At the instant of the universe's Big Bang, it apparently wasn't a point. A few decades earlier it was reported to be about the size of a soccerball (aka "football" in most of the world), but that's been revised, to be rougly 6 foot diameter, basically if you stand with arms outstrietched. One trillionth of a second later, it's diameter was rougly equivalent to earth's orbit (93 million times two). Food for thought: nowadays light takes about 8 minutes to make it from the sun to the earth... One second later, it's diameter would encompass our sun and our 9 nearest stellar neighbours. https://bigthink.com/starts-with-a-bang/small-universe-big-bang/