2008 Prius Triangle of death red car with exclaimation check engine Pretty much all lights and smelled a like electrical fire or burnt something under the hood I drove it for a little ways had to get it home. Would only go a little ways until it would get throwed into neutral the warning lights and beeps kept coming on Won’t go over like 30 mph haven’t tried to move it again and haven’t put obd11 on it yet either
Check the inverter coolant pump on the left side of the engine bay behind the LF (driver's side in the US) headlight. Touch it and confirm you can feel it running. You could also grab one of the hoses to see if you can feel coolant running through it. A third check you could do is remove the inverter coolant reservoir cap and peer down to see if you can see the coolant moving. To do all of these, you will need to have the car in IG-on (two presses of the Power button with your foot OFF the brake pedal). If you don't see movement, disconnect the pump at the connector (in the image below) then check the AM2 fuse (also indicated below). Replace the fuse if it is not intact. It is best to use an ohmmeter to check fuses as sometimes it is hard to confirm a blown fuse visually. When you do get to check codes with your scanner if you find a P0A93, that confirms the failed pump. If you find none of the above checks out, please post the codes you find. If you don't find any codes, that means your scanner is not up for the job. You can find a review of scanners and their capabilities in this app review thread and if you don't have any codes, the various lights on the dash can blink out two-digit codes. You can find out how to do that here.
Thank you so so much. I am just clueless. So you at least gave me some direction .. so now I have still not been able to put the obd11 scanner on yet bc now I have no power at all after I disconnected the negative cable on my 12 v battery After I put it back on. I now have 0 power ..
Before I lost power I checked in the reservoir to see if there was any movement. And there was none whatsoever ever
Many/most car owners shouldn't expect to be able to fix their vehicle when it breaks down. I respectfully suggest that it is time for a tow truck.
Why did you pull the negative cable? It will be pointless now to attach your OBDII device to the car as there will be no codes due to you pulling the 12 V power. In regards to getting power back to the car, you need to check your work. Also, clean up any corrosion at both ends of the cable if you see any.
Idk someone said to do that that it would reset my computer and possibly fix what is going on .. when all this mess started the other day I smelled a like electrical or just burnt smell under the hood. When I checked the fuse today When I pulled it out of the fuse box. The spot I pulled it from looked like it was melted a little and I stuck my nose there and it really smelled strong burnt.
The hv battery and the 12 volt battery both are just recently replaced. There is no corrosion on cables
Which fuse did you pull? It sounds like someone has installed a higher-rated fuse in that spot because it should not melt the fuse holder or plastic around it. If it is the AM2 fuse, that will kill the power to a significant part of the car. The AM2 fuse should be 15 A. If it was the AM2, refer back to my post #2 to disconnect the power to the inverter pump before replacing the fuse with a 15 A one.
Yeah it was the am2 fuse it was a 15 amp fuse that was in there as well When I pulled it to check it it kinda clicked and after that no power .. I also took the two fuses below it to just see and they also looked melted where they went into the fuse box the very top fuse did not look melted though only the am2 and the two under it ..