I just wanted to give the community a heads up that I/we won't be around as much in the near future. So if there are any problems that the collective knowledge here cannot answer, or that requires a prius tech's perspective it might be best to contact us via email. Use the email link at the bottom of any of my posts, or just email blueblewaway at yahoo dot com. I will try to check that email address every day or two. We've fallen on some harder times lately with my tumor and his sleep apnea and degenerated lumbar discs, and the hospital bills and related expenses just won't stop coming. So we've canceled our home internet service among many other things and have been spending time at night doing side jobs for a few extra bucks to pay what we can. He won't let me sell the prius, but it's come up more than once. (when we bought the damned thing we made double car payments and now, argh.) I'm also very busy at work lately with the end of the year push to finish my first specific aim on my thesis project- and then the beginning of the year push to get specific aim 2 off to a good start. Don't have much time to check the boards during the day. Hoping things will be somewhat back to normal come end of january or mid february. Till then take care everyone and I'll be around when I can.
I'm so sorry to hear things aren't going well for you, Galaxee. I hope everything gets back to normal for you as soon as possible. Make sure you and DH do whatever you can to take care of yourselves during these trials. You'll be missed during your absence. Mike
I hope everything works out well for you guys, galaxee... You've always been a great resource on here, and a great personality to boot. Best of luck, and godspeed.
Please be sure to let us know if we, as a community, can offer a helpful hand. I look forward to seeing you back on the boards sooner than later, gal!
Galaxee.... We wish well for you. With your obvious positive attitude, you should heal well. So much of how one responds to health issues is to be found in positive attitude and you definitely have one. Thanks again [and again] for your helpful posts on PriusChat. God speed your healing. B)
galaxee, Thanks so much for all the generous help you and DH have provided here on PC. Hope all of your issues get resolved soon, and that you'll be back on the boards during the coming year. Alan
I wish you and DH the very best, hang in there things will get better. I consider you guys to be friends I've never met.
wow, I'm sorry to hear that things aren't going too well. You've been a great motivator on this site and a great help with technical issues. I have confidence that you'll pull through this. Keep your spirits and hopes up! In the words of my (late) English teacher: I'll see you when I see you.
I can only echo the sentiments expressed by the others. Hopefully you and DH will be back on your feet soon!
thanks guys, we appreciate the moral support. we're gonna get through it just fine, we know that much. how long it takes to get everything straightened out and back to the norm is the real question! :lol: it's just another one of life's speed bumps [shrug] as i said i'll pop in when i can. see ya around
galaxee- Sorry to hear about your heath troubles. I feel for you.. I actually have to have a second surgery for something un-related and know how traumatic it can be for you and your whole family. Thanks for being a great member of our little prius community. I hope you enjoy the Holidays and go Pack! -Peter B
Things will work out. With all the wealth of knowledge and free help you've given us, it has to pay back in spades. Best wishes.
oh man, sorry to hear that galaxee. You've been very helpful to the community, like Danny said, if you any help, please let us know! Hope everything goes well soon for you guys.
Sorry to hear about your health problems and that it's causing money problems, as well. I'll miss your frequent presence and your valuable input! Get well quickly.
galaxee and DH, hang in there - heal - recover - we will miss you and will be waiting every day for you to turn up again. Walt
Well I'm sure you're school has computers with internet access, so I see no reason why your presence should diminish, I mean really, do you think you'll be "working" all that time? Best of luck to you both!
Hey G. Perhaps it's the holiday spirit or the hundreds of hours you both have put into keeping us informed and technically on the ball. You contributions to this forum have helped thousands of people and I want you to know how much we all have appreciated your simply being part of the community. If provided a mailing address, I for one am willing to put a one-dollar bill in a Christmas card and aim it at the bottom of your tree. Before you say it's not necessary, I want everyone to think about that bottle of pop you really don't need versus all the information we have collectively received over the years.