Thanks again Danny for creating the LA club! Let's do a quick roll call and see who's on.... I'm thinking of organizing a get-together for September (after Labor Day). Suggestions on dates and locations are welcome! As for me: - I live in Monterey Park - I'm an IT Manager - Commute = up / down the 710 freeway (to Long Beach and back) - Silver BC Prius (to be picked up on Sat. 8/28) Who's next?
Count me in (although I'm a little confused, is there somewhere else I have to go to "join"?) Jennifer Hartman Silver BC bought from Dianne @ Carson (my second Prius from her!) I was a pioneer and hence got mine early - Oct. 16, 2003! EV button installed. Post Production Manager MGM Studios I live in the mid-Wilshire area and work in Century City so usually I'm driving on the city streets.
Welcome Jennifer! No, you don't need to go anywhere else to "join" but do sign up for the mailing list.
Long Beach here but only until the first week of Sept. If you guys need advice on stuff ask me, but doubt I would make it to any meets before I go
I have a Tideland from Dianne at Carson, too I live in Silverlake. I work for Paramount Pictures on a few of their websites in Hollywood. It's a short commute and really trashes my mileage. I haven't even put that many miles on my car - I got it in mid-December and it's only got 4,500 miles so far.
Another South Bay Prius here. I stay on my boat when in LA, but live in Vegas. Fly out of LAX or Van Nuys. White #9 with (purple) Nevada (Save Lake Tahoe) plates. Am usually on the 405 a couple of days a week, or on the 15 a couple of days a month.
Where've you been, Cy? I think you said you had a bunch of stuff coming up, but we hadn't heard from you in awhile. At any rate, it's good to see you again!
Welcome all! Great to hear from all of you! Looks like Dianne's truly the empress of Prius, putting so many of you in these fabulous vehicles! Anyone here from San Gabriel Valley? BTW - I was driving home on the 710 last night around 5:30 - 5:45ish, and I saw a Black 04 Prius going southbound in the fast lane. Was that you Brad? :wink:
Another Salsa #9, this one from Toyota Town in Stockton. I live near Pomona, but work in Los Angeles near Union Station. Does anyone have any comments about Toyota of Glendora? They are the nearest dealer to me, and I don't want to have to drive 25 - 45 miles away to get good service. For that matter, does anyone know of a good car wash in the San Gabriel Valley?
Tideland BC from Carson. Live in Long Beach and work in Orange. I drive the 22 every day (20 miles each way) I got ~5300 miles since May 1st and am now getting 51 mpg. -Jody
Re: Welcome all! Do you HONESTLY think I would drive my beautiful black car on that bumpy, ditch filled, shoulderless, pothole turned freeway known and despised as the "710"?! I shudder the thought. Not only would all the bumps and thumps make me feel a bit ukeright: ... But my baby (who shall be christened "ANUBIS1" upon arriving in Washington) would consider me to be an :ahole: from that day forth. No, instead I choose to take any combination of the 405, 605, 5, 22 or streets. Can you imagine...? "Fast Food" "System is now showing places where you'll contract e-coli and hopefully die you reckless bastard" Easiest ways to tell if it's me is the dark tint, chrome and I have one of those CA specialty plates with the 9/11 memorial. No special code on it, just the next in sequence, but I wanted to show my patriotism and donate to the local 9/11 funds without the use of window clings or bumper stickers. Plus, it's just a beautiful plate...
Brad! - cool license plate BTW. Yeah, the 710 is pretty much as good as a dirt road, but I think my commute time will double if I take alternative routes. Actually, I'll try to see what the Nav suggests later today. I GOT MY PRIUS!!!!!!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Drove down from Stockton on Saturday on one tank and still drove around all day Sunday on the SAME tank before I decided to fuel-up when I got down to 2 bars.
ok. I have to jump in..... Cybele -- I work at Paramount Pictures too. If you park in the Van Ness structure (as there is a tideland there) I have jealously admired you as you were leaving one day. We seem to have many Prii running around the lot (I've counted five in the LG structure alone). Chanterelle -- I know the father of one of the service guys (might be the service manager) at Glendora. He (probably biased) says they are great. I plan on taking my Prius there. My Story -- I'm #2 on the list at Fresno (based on recommendation off someone on this board). Have been offered several in my least favorite colors and have resisted. Although my wait has been relatively short (on list mid-may), I am officially dying to get this car. I feel like a teenager checking my messages all the time and staring at the phone. Hopefully I can be an official member of the club soon. Brenna
White #3 from Crown Toyota in Ontario Got it on Feb. 20 Live in Echo Park, work in North Hollywood -Connie
I'm over in the Gower garage across the street. There's also a Salsa there and a Classic in aqua. For some reason we all park quite close to each other. I think there's a silver up on the roof, I rarely see him, but maybe that was because of haitus. I noticed a Tideland with racing stripes parked on the lot near the B tank during the filming of Lemony Snicket. It had a reserved spot and was there every day for months and months.
silver #9, bought in late may, just under 6000 miles Hello, I live and work (from home) in mid-city. That is just north of the 10 and south of Koreatown. I don't have a commute but I've racked up the miles taking road trips. Madame Guidance has taken me home from Palmdale through Angeles National Forest, great gas mileage. About 60mpg for a 60 mile trip. Also, there is this point in Angeles I've found at 6400 feet, nice down hill ride from there home. Two of the road trips were to Death Valley and two to the bay area. About 1000 miles each time.