Hi I have 2007 prius EU ver. Got it for like 6-7 years. Chenged orginal stereo for aftermarket but left one part of stereo to have AC and other working, it was working for 4 years fine but everything started like 1 year ago when I changed EV Battery and go to the service with my LPG. Prius started acting wierd, when i was breaking engine revs goes up or sometimes red triangle was fast blinking for 1 sec (I dont remmember message because it wasnt happened for long time) red triangle was happening for like a month after LPG service. For like 2 months I have issues with MFD when its started MFD for a few minutes doesnt show engine arrows and millage, but now MFD wont show outside temp, milage, engine arrows, battery level just after start. Engine acting wierd like when i push gas pedal it speeds up but somtimes revs go down for 1-2 sec and it speeds much slower, sometimes when i breaks engine rev go max, sometimes when i stop on lights battery is on normal lvl but engine is on max revs etc. Someone had similar issues? I checked some topics and cant find a answer. My mechanic cant find time for me for like 3 months (Im live in Poland so there is like 3-5 mechanics for hybrids for whole country xD). There isnt any warning light or check engine
How many kilometers are on the vehicle? If there were lights displayed on the dash, then you'll have OBD2 codes stored in the computers (ECUs). You need use a hybrid compatible scanner, or find another mechanic that has a compatible OBD2 scanner. Post the codes here for additional guidance. A bad MFD is a known issue, there are threads and a wiki for replacement, or it could be a broken solder trace at or near pin 60. A compatible scanner (or techstream) could show the state of the HV battery, both unloaded and under load. This sounds like a failing/failed HV battery, was your replacement a new OEM or used? Does the HV battery fan in the backseat sound louder?
277k sometimes it work for while. Where can i find pin60? Is it behind screen or stereo? I changed HV battery like 1 year ago (it was my 2nd battery replacment since I bought this prius and it had like 120-130k km) and its probably still on guarantee. Idk it was OEM or used, because it was changed by company. The HV battery fan isn't louder, once it was working on max rev and prius max speed was lower (like +/- 120km/h) but it was like 4-5 months ago
Could be corrosion at the plugs on the back of the MFD. Not because I have heard of that happening in these cars, but because what you are describing sounds like a poor electrical connection issue. Pull the MFD out and at least inspect the plugs/sockets that attach it to the car. Even if it looks pretty good some contact cleaner might help. The MFD can be sprayed outside the car but the wiring it attaches to cannot. Put a towel or something under it if you spray those connectors in the dash so it doesn't drip down and possibly damage some piece of plastic which cannot handle that solvent. Doors open and battery ground detached - contact cleaners are all flammable and should not be inhaled. For instance: http://docs.crcindustries.com/msds/3130.pdf
Look for pin 60 at this link : Prius MFD You really need a hybrid compatible scanner to know what might be the problem. Either techstream (dealer technician diagnostic software), or this thread will help : Gen2 OBD2 app review | PriusChat When was the last time you cleaned up the HV battery fan?
Idk, never maybe. Maybe they cleaned it when they changed HV battery year ago idk. Sorry I quote u both but I found that when front/rear lights are off the MFD seems to works fine and engine works little different, but when I turn lights on whole information on MFD goes blank