During my test drive I tried slightly swerving over the lane and I didn’t get any warning. I tried both left and right. I’ve been in other cars that actually alert you in an annoying fashion with a noise. Maybe the sound was shut off? How does it work? Thanks I did experience the brake assist which was subtle but interesting.
With Safety Sense 2 I get the message on the MID that lane assist is not available under 28 mph. But I also don't know exactly what triggers that message to pop up on the MID, except slowing down from driving like 30 or 35 mph than dropping below 28 or 25 mph and it doesn't show up every time slowing down to under 25mph. The 2023 Prime is equipped with Safety Sense 3, and the parameters for messages and behavior may have changed for lane assist and a lot of her safety issues.
It does chime but only for egregious moves towards or over the lines in my experience. No where near as often as I have seen with older TSS.
You can adjust that feature based on 3 levels of intensity, or off. I have mine on the lowest setting. Pressing the gas (when going into a corner, or coming up on traffic that is accelerating away), will override it. I love it!
Yeah, the TSS 3.0 is definitely not super beepy in most driving situations. I think the most beeps I ever hear are when I’m turning and the blind spot sensor is activated (example: two left turn lanes and I am in the right lane and someone is in the lane to my left) or if I put on my signal to lane change while someone is in my blind spot. I haven’t noticed any beeps for lane departure without a signal, mostly because the lane keeping assist has done such a darn good job.