I recently purchased a used 2012 Plug-in. Very happy overall, but one issue is bugging me: The car does not make the "beep"/"beep beep" sound when locking or unlocking, or when a door is ajar and trying to lock. Here is what i've tried: changing volume via head-unit settings. Shows as set to highest volume. Does not work at any volume level. Checking door lock buzzer settings via Carista app (it reports that it is enabled, same as the vehicle settings) I should also say that the smart key, and key fob work properly for locking/unlocking. Touch the lock area on the handle, it locks. Touch the back of the handle it unlocks. Fob button works just fine for both as well. I also tried to leave a door ajar, and use both the smart key, and the fob to lock. it refuses to lock, but no sound is issued from the outside of the car. There is a tone INSIDE the car, but nothing outside. I suspect the actual "buzzer" is bad, or else someone disconnected it. Does anyone know where this component is located in the engine bay? Searching for that part name, or any other with "buzzer" in it i can't find the part number... In fact, my usual parts sites only show a "skid control buzzer". I'm not sure if the tone is played through the "vehicle approaching speaker"? probably not. I did check that out and it seems to be working correctly. Any suggestions about how to further diagnose this? Or if there is a separate part, where i can find it in the engine bay?
I found the part number: 89747-0R020, but haven't had any luck finding where this is located in the engine bay.
Ah, should have thought of that. I've yet to use the service manual. Found and checked there. Looks like it's above the fender liner on the driver's side. There are instructions on checking resistance to verify function as well. I'll give that a go when i have a chance.
Mine only beeps from the outside if I leave the car running and remove the keys from the car. Maybe models in the US are configured differently.
OK, had some time to pull this apart today. The buzzer was behind the driver side fender liner, as expected, just outboard of the strut. See the photo below, it's the blue component. The area behind the fender liner, and surroundings, was covered with grit, grime, and general crap. Also, the fender liner looks newer than the passenger side. So i'm guessing the previous owner lost the fender liner at some point and the buzzer failed. The dealer i purchased the vehicle from must have replaced the liner. The service manual indicates a resistance of 950-1050 Ohms is expected. Measured it and found only 298 Ohms. The harness appears to be fine, no exposed wires or other damage, and it was securely latched to the buzzer. I will be purchasing a replacement buzzer and am expecting this to resolve the issue. More to come.
I (finally) purchased a non OEM replacement for this, around $22 online. However when i checked resistance it only measured around 300Ohm, not the 1000Ohm specified by the repair manual. Despite this, i connected it and sure enough it "chirps" as expected. The volume adjustment from the head unit also works correctly now.
@Mendel Leisk do you have the service manual procedure for this? I bought a new oem buzzer and I’m not getting any sound.