Actually buying a depreciating asset like a car is not on the list of major life events. Maybe being born, graduating, succeeding in a career, finding a soulmate, losing them, giving birth, etc etc trumps buying a car which is designed simply for utility and safe transportation. This is a rare case and point in time where a new Prius would actually go up in value for a year or two. I would jump on it from a financial standpoint. Plus the old one is worth thousands more than normal which will change.
Good points. I went through three of those major life events all at once. Divorce, mother dying, loss of job and a 3000 mile move all in the span of a few months. The anxiety I was feeling the few mornings while making the decision to let the 2023 go to someone else and wait for the next one was the equivalent to back then. Not the same duration thank goodness! For whatever reasons as soon as I made the decision to pass on this particular car I could feel it was the right decision. We all have to wait for Season 2.
What's really nice is it also disables the 1-hour shut-off "feature" that had been causing me anxiety had I ever forgotten to hit "No" before exiting. Confirmed by the dealership and manual.
If I didn’t have to deal with apartment living and a larger auto insurance bill, I probably would keep her.
I can see your point! I couldn’t imagine my leaving this car sitting out in a surface lot all day and night in the elements, let alone, people banging into it! Insurance is going up on everything Home, auto, medical, my advice is don’t get the ‘23. It sounds like you’re really not in love with it anyways, but that’s none of my business.✌️
I meant keep my 2009 as second car. Cost of insurance for two cars…can’t do. Yes…it’s going to be stressful in my parking lot but at least there are a lot of extra spaces.
When I went to my car insurance through Costco about a second car, it turns out I save about $100 per year to add one. So from then on I had two cars. The less driven one is my Toyota truck. Maybe I shouldn’t advertise it. Apartment parking lot, I wouldn’t get a new car. Get a house with the car money as a beginning of a brand new series? “She goes house hunting.” Depends on what rent is compared to a payment.
Your 1st Prius could provide nice parking protection for the Baby Lambo. You could put the smallest liability policy you can find, or just don't insure it at all if that's legal in your area and you won't be driving it while parking/storing it.
To be clear I pay $100 less for both cars total than if I had one. Not a $100 off on the second one. Insurance went down $100. Was an incentive to get the second vehicle. I had to ask why too. Multi car discount, one driver I guess, but drivers may not be the factor.
I'm not surprised that insuring 2 cars is close in cost to insuring one, especially if one has little actual value. Auto insurance has 2 components: 1) Liability--this has nothing to do with your car. It pays the other guy's cost when you are held liable for an event. So, no matter how many cars you own and what they are worth, the price for this component should remain the same. 2) Damage to your own vehicle--Except in rare cases, any claim will involve only one of your vehicles. It is unlikely your personal exposure to a claim will increase with more vehicles since you can't possibly create a claim (i.e., drive) for more than 24 hours/day. So the insurance company only needs to charge you for coverage on the most expensive car in your fleet.
There are actually a couple of nice SUVs parked where I live. No actual damage since 2017. Just my cat converter stolen probably because I was parking under a light which gave the thieves full view of my car from the main road. I’ve always treated my 2009 as if it was a new car. Knock on wood no one has dinged it in current lot. Never fails when I’m shopping I pick a spot that’s away from other cars when possible. I often find a grungy beat up truck or whatever parked next to my car as close as possible. It’s obviously intentional when there are parking spaces all over the place! When I lived in that historical village with all the New Yorkers, my bumpers were being dinged all the time. Then a skateboarder must have landed on my hood with his hands which left a couple of small soft dents. Neighbor’s car wasn’t so lucky. Her hood was trashed but we didn’t have cameras. So you’re thinking because of how this new car looks it will be targeted more? Definitely a red one. I figured I’d park it with the front end showing. I think I mentioned the funding for this car is from an early inheritance. If I wait, there is a risk of ending up with nothing due to the circumstances. A deposit on a small cottage with a studio and garden would be a better investment and a dream come true but I can’t afford a mortgage. I’m certainly putting myself through the wringer thinking about all of this. At least I (we) get a little break from last week. Looks like they sold my allocated car abs the second one for the other customer arrived today, The trailers for Season 2 should be posting soon.
Interesting. Thanks for sharing this. I guess I’ll call tomorrow to find out. Unfortunately I have State Farm and they don’t seem to have any of the perks other insurance companies have. I can’t switch until an open bodily injury claim is closed.
I have State Farm. I don't have 2 cars though but I know they have a multi car discount. I believe the discount is up to 20%.
Not very much. I heard insurance cost for two is a problem, and I related my Costco experience. Parking lots all of them I am afraid of damage. Except when I go in my 90’s truck. Then everyone is afraid of where I park.
She’s back….Michelin tires for this car are so expensive and reviews say they wear quickly. Has anyone received the Toyo tires on their new Prius? Any thoughts? There is more to come soon…
I can't imagine they vary much in wear between each brand. You'd have to think the manufacturer looked into this. Some do appear quieter, but that may only be from the onset. Tire noise on my car has diminished greatly. My time in the twisties likely "broke them in". Or, I just don't notice the sound any longer. The car just seems VERY smooth and quiet. Pretty much perfect IMO. And I can get 65 MPGS for a round trip in 100f stop-and-go city traffic. The secret is all in the AC setting it seems lol. What brand tires do you have on your Gen5? | PriusChat Tire thread ^^^
Bridgestone Ecopia. They are supposed to be louder. I think they just needed to be broken in. I can't imagine you are going to be able to discern ride quality between any of the new tires Toyota chooses for the Prius. That would be something they would account for. If I had a choice, I would personally choose Michelin.
Michelin all day long. They easily make their stated mileage. I usually get 80,000-100,000 on my Michelins. My 2012 v is working on its third set since new. Currently at 280,000 miles. More than mileage, they ride smooth and quiet compared to most others. Hold their balance well. Never a concern about sudden failure. Of course regular rotations are required for any tire. Using a shop who can detect abnormal wear patterns. However my Toyotas always hold their alignments very well and I respond to TPMS tire pressure alerts.