Hello! I got my 2013 Prius a few weeks ago. It has 80,000 miles on it. I was going about 30 mph when it suddenly felt like my brakes had engaged automatically, accompanied by a scraping noise. The traction control light also came on. The noise and feeling were like a tire had blown or kind of like driving with the emergency brake on. I pulled over and didn’t see anything wrong with my tires. So I got back on the road and it happened again at around 25mph. I turned off the car and started it up again and it drove smoothly the rest of the way home. Any idea what this might be?
The only time my traction light came on was when the front tires spun on wet pavement. Was it the 2 squiggly yellow lines? Probably some more help on here in a bit.
Yeah, the squiggly lines. In my previous Prius, I’ve had those come on in snow, but never just out of the blue.
This sounds Very Reasonable.... because it has happened to me with my van Only thing kinda funny is the traction control light.....unless it slowed the wheel down.
If something got wedged in there tight, it undoubtedly slowed the rotation, which beyond a certain delta RPM would trigger the traction control circuit and light.
Are all four tires the same size and style? With a scan tool, I would let a copilot watch the four wheel RPMs while I drove down a straight road, to see if they were all reading the same.