I have a 2015 PriusV model II, which has the head unit that does not have built in Nav. I have the known problem of the screen freezing, jumping from screen to screen, etc. and have to power cycle the unit multiple times while driving (if I want to change stations etc.). It has gotten so bad that I really need to replace the head unit. Crutchfield doesn't have anything compatible and recommends against replacing the unit. I have reached out to a couple of installers and am being told that they can't get the proper parts to install a stereo in this car (one is telling me that I may have to come up with some sort of McGyver solution and put something in the glove box). I'm wondering if any here have come across this issue, and if you were able to over come it. Part of the issue seems to be that this particular stereo isn't situated right in the middle.
The easiest thing would simply get a used replacement at a lunkyard (LKQ) or ebay. I think I read 510055 on yours. The nav version is 510057 but will require a gps antenna and appropriate connector adapters. @gromittoo has done some work on these and might help. Otherwise there are aftermarket radios like this one. https://www.ebay.com/itm/385381340375?fits=Model%3APrius+V%7CMake%3AToyota&hash=item59ba8494d7:g:UssAAOSwM6Vj1zp0&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4A526Le7q8rIhO4GuY0lgMXeDcnCbpUz18wrVtIa0KqFfvA5lKUUF5L3p3XJ0722XcAS3SOKxsydt7Fysk5Ese6Y9p%2FYqkBYfJwM0SdbEy9KM73Sapx5PmQNinrv3bXORbtXHZ%2FiYVYeHom7JxW6A6zUNX6ii624jFbxqeif8GGvakz55EIaSc0Y5QmqBbfL2NcR18m6wk8yP47w%2BQMx4URFPutTGsDE2IWoELbVKXkQ9f%2BWF35epysWuGgpxtdmBCRNuqkE3CW8GSaLEe%2F5r7FI6Tc1N6kPNR9o51GiI7Hw%7Ctkp%3ABFBMmqnM3axi
The problem isn't so much being able to find an aftermarket system but finding an install kit for this particular model of car (which is why crutchfield recommends against replacing the unit). Without a proper install kit, I may be forced to try and find a unit at a wrecker, although I am hoping to avoid that for 2 reasons. First, my issues are apparently chronic with these cars so there is a pretty good chance that I will be replacing my problems with more problems. Second, I am really hoping to get something with android auto.
Interesting. I'll show this to the stereo guy...thanks. If he likes it, I will have to figure out how to get one shipped to Canada.
A year ago or so, I came upon an article of a Prius V owner who had managed to install a totally new panel to replace the audio/electronics in his car. He worked with an auto/radio install company. I can't remember where I read that article. But, what was clear is that, although it requires a bit of work, installing a new panel is totally feasible. Does anyone else read something about it?