Greetings, We need to get rid of one our 2nd cars (we bought a Bolt EV for local / daily driving). I thought I'd post here re: the prius and people can comment on the TDI if they're familiar. The prius we have is a 2014 V with 168k miles. Known issue is that it burns oil. I'm still trying to figure out exactly how much (my wife drives it, mostly), but I think a couple quarts between changes. It was recently serviced (new plugs) and EGR was clear and the tech said battery / charging is fine. Only other issue is that the little turtle light on the dash doesn't work. Gets 37.2mpg via display, about 35mpg by hand calculation. Other than the burning oil, car works great. I assume a battery replacement is in our future as well ($3k?). The TDI is a 2003 with 300k miles and runs great. Typical old car stuff and it *is* a VW, so who knows. I'm also kind of done working on cars these days, and the VW requires more of my tinkering. The other factor is the TDI is already set up to haul our kayaks, but I'd have to add that to the Prius. Frankly, I'd *rather* keep the TDI, but don't want to make a dumb decision selling an ultra reliable car and keeping one that could do whatever whenever. If anybody wants to comment on value of the V, that would be helpful, but I get it if that's not appropriate for this forum.
With 168k and burning oil, your v won't be ultra reliable for long. Hv battery, brake booster, head gasket and maybe an out of the blue inverter stranding is very possible over the next couple of years. However an even older VW is not high on my list either. Cars get old and need replacing at some point, especially if reliability means something to you and your wife.
Thank you for your reply. I had a friend of mine who wanted to buy the V for her teen son, but I'm thinking it's not a good car for anybody right now. our plan was to sell one of them, pay off the bolt later this year, then buy another vehicle that meets our 2nd vehicle needs (e.g. an outback wagon or something like that)...
hate to say it, but i'd dump the v before the head gasket blows and it's worth something. congrats on the bolt, i'm looking at them now, along with tesla m3
Another toy that will never go the miles. At least this guy is realistic................Hopefully he has read some of my terrible, honest posts............
I'm not a big VW fan and I dumped mine when diesel prices went through the roof. That being said; most issues on that TDI are known, and it is a good long distance car with great torque; if maintained properly. I hate to say it; but your going to get a better price for the Prius V, than for the 300K mile VW - Though 300K miles on a diesel engine is barely broken in. That and head gasket on 3nd gens usually go out around 200K, especially on the heavier Prius V. Just my 2 cents....... Full disclosure: I know how to wrench on cars, so that probably played into my bias.
I have a hunch you can do an end-run 'round that eventuality, with a certain preemptive maintenance. Better not disclose what that is though, risk being called a fan-boy.
I think you state the situation well re: the TDI and similar to what I was thinking. Not ideal, but will maybe serve as the gap car while we pay off the bolt an save up for whatever replaces the TDI. oh, do tell.... I did read about some 3 step additives?
I'm in a similar situation...(4 cars..only 2 drivers.) So selling one Prius and my Range Rover. I would sell Both cars while they have value. How far off is your purchase of your second new car? if it is a year or more.....and need to save for a down payment....keep the TDI since you KNOW for a year then sell it to a TDI fan....there are a lot out there.
Hi Kiva, Since you possibly posted on here looking for opinions before making your own decision(s), here is mine. I would find a way to keep both the V and TDI. I’m of the opinion (which I practice) that having 2 older cars which are subject to breaking down is a fair second best to having one reliable new car still under warranty. The option to “I’ll take my other car” is quite nice to have.
Same sort of boat here… 2015 with 115k. The ‘15’s were less affected from what I’m reading? I kind of feel like since we don’t put too many miles on it that we’d just keep it and run it into the ground. My main concern is safety…say for instance the booster fails, etc. Or sell it and wait for a 2k reliable car to pop up.