2023 Prius Generation 5 The light in the back seat won't turn off. I have no idea what I pushed to turn it off. Will it drain my battery if I don't figure it out?
Check the little switches that turn the light on for the back door. One or the other may just simply be stuck. No, it won't run your battery down because as of about 5 years ago virtually all cars have technology that turns the lights out when people don't close the doors or in your case perhaps a stuck switch. .
It's a small enough light that it shouldn't. But is it both lights or just one? Perhaps you turned on the reading lights by accident. If so, press the left or right button to turn off. The centre button turns on/off both rear lights.
In my Gen 3, I think there's also a switch on the second dome light itself. Does Gen 5 have that too? Make sure that's not set for always-on.
Two odd things. One is that she says just a rear light. Two, she never said one way or the other if she figured it out.
Up front the light is a haptic touch but in back the switches are physical buttons. I’d press them to see if that fixes it.
Any chance this is the proximity interior lighting that turns on when you stand near the car with the key fob? If you back maybe 10 feet away and wait a moment, does it fade away on its own?
I just got home from the dealer with my brand new XSE prime and had the same damn thing happen in my driveway. Drove me nuts! A Google search later brought me right to this thread. The rear seat overhead lights would not go off. I never even turned them on!! Anyway, short story long it was some combination of the haptic door button on the front dome, light or the one right next to it. I tried pushing the buttons of the lights that were on, and that did nothing no matter what position they were in. Very odd. Oh well, it’s taken care of now and I got her plugged in for the night for the first charge at home ever.
Look in the owner's manual under 'Interior Lights' to see what is supposed to happen. In summary one of the switches for the front light is a master switch. If that is on, all the lights stay on. Once that is turned off, the individual switches for each of the lights work. Of course, if the master switch is under door control, you won't be able to deal with the individual rear light switches until you close the doors and wait until the front lights turn off, indicating that the master switch has turned off.