Body panel gaps were a secret Tesla plan to get those who like to complain go to other EV makers. You know, the "Karens." <GRINS> Can't see the forest because of the trees Teslas not for thee Bob "Burma Shave" Wilson
i have a neighbor with two m3's. i couldn't see any problems visually, but i didn't bring a micrometer with me. an enthusiast video pointed out a couple small things on a 2023 m3. you could see them, but no biggie. we have complaints here about prius gaps.
Yes. Given all that can go wrong in this world..panel gaps and overspray are just a part of life and the manufacturing process. Like cold weather...if it isn't for you you can choose something else to buy or place to live.
Son's Y has some gaps. He loves it anyway. I spotted them only because I was looking to see how a newly built would be improved from the early Ys. It was but not to Toyota standards. But then on my current Toyota I actually listed 35 things I thought they did wrong or could have done better. There is no such thing as a perfect car.