2008 Toyota prius. At 235,000 miles, that's 378,000 km. The engine was said to be knocking. It was reported that there were oil leaks. The price is $11,000. This is normal in Turkey. there is a battery problem. I have experience of changing the battery myself. It was said that the engine was knocking, but could it be another reason? For example, the exhaust is punctured in the picture on the back. What do you think if I buy this vehicle?
Yes that's what you want right there engine knocking The 1 NZ If it has been abused it could be knocking It could be a fairly easy fix like a rod bearing I don't know what a replacement engine would cost in your country It's 11,000 when you're saying $11,000 like American dollars or what's the conversion anyway this is the car you want that other thing you were looking at with the front end broken no good generation 3 no good not in Turkey You want the generation two more of a world car. Which I guess in your country is an auris?..
I can't find a new engine because there isn't one in Turkey. I do not know if the engine will be treated, whether it will cost much or not. what should i do sir
i think you should be prepared to replace or rebuild the engine, and if it doesn't need any work, that's a win.
Tank you. I did a research for vindecoder, it says it was produced in Japan, what would be the benefit of it?
Teşekkür ederim. I did a research for vindecoder, it says it was produced in Japan, what would be the benefit of it?
Doesn't matter it's made in Japan It's the hybrid car electric motors in the transmission You will be very lucky with this engine in this car 1NZ usually when this engine is knocking things have not been well cared for You might get lucky and be able to pull the engine out find the loose connecting rod and replace it while you're at it you might as well do all four and maybe roll in new crank bearings while you got it out won't take but another hour bearing sizes need to be adhered to these open deck engines are designed strange and they're bearings and whatnot are done in production so you have bearing number stamped on the oil pan edge of the engine and all kinds of silliness or can have You have to consult the manual since you won't be doing any machining You're just trying to replace a bearing probably a connecting rod that's causing a knock if it was turned off and stopped and not used you may get lucky and it may be that easy and if it is it's a win for you because that's a great car
If that exhaust is not mounted and can swing around like a wild banshee it could knock while under movement but it certainly wouldn't sound like an engine knock and it's in the back of the car and the engines in the front so logically one wouldn't generally think the exhaust canister knocking on the frame of the car would be an engine knock which would be in the front of the car but then again common sense sometimes isn't so common these days a knocking noise and an engine knock maybe two different things probably.
No. 378k miles with a bad engine and battery. Not worth more than $1000 since it needs $7k-$10k US on just what you know is wrong. Don't buy a high mile hybrid!
not worth your money or time, is this the only car sold in turkey? you sound so desperate to get it even with the knocking sound.. there will be one that will be better than this.. are you running out of time?
Step one is we need to understand the price of this car. Are we talking 11,000 lira or 11,000 US dollars? Huge difference, right? 11,000 lira is about $400 US? If we are talking $11,000 US, then why not buy a car and have it shipped to Turkey? There's plenty of great cars available and shipping is probably 2k-ish? or am I way off on that?
$11,000. Unfortunately, it is not allowed to post from there. What is your comment on the condition of the vehicle?
Yes I want to know the same things about the money and shipping the car I would think would still be reasonable I haven't done it since military days but I know some people in the late '90s that moves in vehicles across the world and if I'm not mistaken it was in the 2000ish per car these were cars four wheels. I know during the pandemic a 40-foot shipping container from Asia is now about $12,000 for the move the container just stays here The contents are all that matters I had a container moved from Asia to the states during the pandemic it was almost 14,000 not including the contents that was just to move the container on the container ship non-refrigerated.
So you're saying 11,000 US dollars and you're not allowed to import a car into your country at least the citizen can't You've got to have some formal paperwork that's impossible to get etc?
Well I'll take your like as my text being the case.? So then if the knock is not something that's knocking from the car running or driving like the exhaust hitting the frame some loose components in the suspension clunking very badly and it's actually the engine You have to go look I can't see from here. If it is in fact the engine here in my country it's a pretty easy fix and engines don't cost $4,000 well they can if you're so inclined. You could fix that motor It's been a long time since I've been in Turkey and I'm sure things have changed drastically. I cannot even begin to imagine what you are up against but I'm sure it is a lot of strife.