Ford: strange. VW: they are EA, so why the need for a new network. "why don't they join us?". Because your backed charging network showed you cannot deliver a reliable experience, that's why...and your id.4s are clogging the chargers instead of their owners using their own plugs at home... Toyota: of course.
I think the government needs to step in here and force them into nacs. Or a twist of the arm as in , tax credits
A new charging network to rival Tesla's charging network? Even though Telsa has been building out their network for 11 years? Kinda reminds me of the new Toyota solid state battery with a 900 mile range that doesn't exist in any substantive way, yet they pretend like it does because just a simple promise is good enough right?
The new network will have NACS and CCS. The industry is moving to NACS in NA and I think the Federal Government is on-board with that already. I don't recall reading anything about the government not wanting NACS on the chargers sponsored by taxpayers money. They are more concerned about distance between chargers, reliability and availability, clear display of costs, and easy way of paying.
Yes they will support NACS and CCS1 - as many of those companies currently sell ccs1 vehicles and are moving future vehicles to NACS. Its good that more auto companies are getting involved in getting chargers built. EA has reliability problems. Tesla's super charger network could use some more L3 chargers from other companies to build up faster, and keep prices to consumers lower.
It isn't just building charging locations. It is maintaining them. And the apps that enable easy use.
currently to use tesla superchargers you need a tesla app or a tesla. People with non tesla's get charged more. Hopefully these new chargers and tesla will be able to use a thrid party app to connect, or the gm/hyundai/etc app will work at all the tesla and automakers sites. We will see what the standard ends up being. Tesla is very good at maintaining them. I hope this new group follows that same principle. They all want to sell plug-in vehicles so it helps if they are reliable.
Covered parking and a Coffee carhop service? Maybe its just me but that seems like the Airport Shopping destination model. At MSP I can go to Brooks Brothers and overpay for suit but I don't....does anyone who hasn't lost there luggage by their airline? Fine dining and shopping don't mix with air travel IMHO. EV Charging could be more comfortable.....but I would rather have the availability than a more pleasing atmosphere. There are 64 EV charging stations at the new billion dollar Airport in KC. I've only seen about 6 spots available. With the rate of EV growth an EV Valet charging service seems to be an option. I can see an APP based cue line to charge my EV on a cross country trip in the future........just like at the DMV now. Apps make it easy to create a line but without enough chargers?
I appreciate their goal. Now comes execution with the dealers ... the problem. I have twice found dealer L2 EVSEs I was asked to leave because "they are for our customers." The one I found available on a Sunday had a sign I didn't see until I was plugging in ... but I needed the charge. If this group can solve the dealer parochial problem, GOOD! Bob Wilson