Hello This is my first post I tried to replace my stereo and I found this screw head Any recommendations, please?
If you look closely, the crown of the screw head is tapered to prevent any clamping, i. e. Pliers. I got to say, “This is some effective security screw.”. I think this is going to require cutting a slot in the screw head with a small abrasive wheel such as a Dremel. I’ve Googled just about every type of security screw that’s out there and came up empty. These screw probably came in a kit along with a matching key and are apparently very proprietary. http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-open-security-screws/?amp_page=true
It looks like a pair of fine point needle-nose pliers could be inserted in the gaps, then twist and shout!
I have definitely Dremeled slots into heads of things I needed to unscrew before; it's a time-honored, effective technique. -Chap
Finally...i did it. I managed to unscrew the stereo from the frame holder without touching this security nut/screw head. It was very time consuming but luckily it worked. Thanks for the advices .... much appreciated.
Hi , I have exactly the same problem and could not find any solution for that , could you please tell me how to unscrew the unit and what kind of tool you used ?
I don't actually own a Prius, but have the same problem with a different 2014 Toyota. I know my reply is a bit late, but I have a last resort idea which I haven't tried myself - if there is enough space, use a cordless multi-tool to cut a slot into the screw head, then unscrew it with a flat-head screwdriver. In my case, it may just reach or it could be 1cm too short. Just an idea, it may be a bit messy. Try at your own risk.
An old-fashioned rotary tool (like the iconic Dremel) with a small cutoff wheel probably requires less working space than one of those oscillating tools. Of course now Dremel sells oscillating tools too (as does pretty much everyone else, now that Fein's patent has run its course).
Put your left foot in and your right foot out, then your your left foot in and turn it all about..........................