Hi everybody, I have found this small metal-rubbel donut under my car on the parking floor. For sure it belongs to my Prius Gen2 2007 EU version. I can't find what it is and where should be sitting. Any help? Regards luki124
That's pretty good I've never seen one of those that is metal that's rusting covering rubber right? Seems like it would be something to do with it shield or an exhaust piece kind of.
There is some noise from the front suspention probably on bouncy roads but everythings looks good. Front coils and struts and all parts with them are almost new. Rear coils are also new. Regards luki124
Welcome to PriusChat!! Nothing major to stress over, except : https://priuschat.com/threads/okay-maybe-my-cars-starting-to-fall-apart.78731 FYI : you're moderated until you've posted 5 times.
When you noticed it did you think to yourself when the car was parked what part of the car was over the part so was it under the engine compartment the passenger seating area or back near the trunk cargo space? If it's a space you park in all the time and you remember about where you found it for the mark there pull the car up beside it to the where the bumper would be up next to whatever it's next to and there you go. I have one of these cars up on blocks right now I looked under there I don't see anything that makes any sense this looks like maybe it's an integral isolator or mount for something like a heat shield but maybe not
It was situated on the rear of engine comparment in the center but its possible to travel on engine bay shields before. Regards luki124