2009 prius check engine light, no overheating, p1121 code, replaced 3 way valve, made sure hoses were reconnected correctly, bled the air, plenty of cabin heat, then code p1116, replaced chs sensor, then another check engine light, gave up and took it to the dealer who said that the coolant coming out of the CHS tank is cold, and they want $1200 to flush the tank and replace the CHS pump but there is no code (p2601?) for a bad pump. Does anyone know if the cold temp inside the CHS suggests a bad three way valve as opposed to a bad CHS pump?
Dealer replaced chs pump, cleared code, the on the way home check engine light came on again, code is now p1150, something about air/fuel sensor.
No, it isn't. The Prius Gen 2 manual, unlike the internet, says P1150 is a coolant path clog of the coolant heat storage (CHS) system. This system uses an electric pump to supply hot coolant stored in the coolant heat storage (CHS) tank into the cylinder head of the engine, in order to optimize engine starting combustion and reduce the amount of unburned gas that is discharged while the engine is started. Before the engine starts, the ECM operates the electric water pump to direct the hot coolant in the CHS tank into the engine, in order to heat the cylinder head (this process is called "preheat mode"). The duration of the operation of the electric water pump is variable, depending on the temperature of the cylinder head. During normal operation of the engine, the water valve opens the passage between the cylinder head and the heater and closes the passage between the cylinder head and the tank. During the preheat mode in which the cylinder head is heated, the water valve opens the passage between the tank and the cylinder head, in order to allow the coolant to flow from the tank to the cylinder head. At this time, in order to warm up the intake port quickly before the engine is started, the coolant flows in the reverse direction. This system consists of the CHS tank, CHS water pump, CHS tank outlet temperature sensor, water valve, and a soak timer that is built in the ECM. If the following conditions are met the ECM will set the P1150 DTC: A change in CHS tank outlet temperature and engine coolant temperature after water pump is ON during preheat mode: below 2°C (3.6°F) A change in CHS tank outlet temperature as the water valve is opened to the tank, on a warm engine: below 3°C (5.4°F) Possible problem areas: CHS tank outlet temperature sensor The water valve (coolant flow control valve) Cooling system (clogging) ECM
Thanks, the a/f description for p1150 came from autel scanner, I realized it wasn’t air fuel after reading a few posts. Now that the chs pump, 3 way valve, and chs sensor have been replaced, that leaves the ECM or a clog….will see what happens next.
You can use your scantool to monitor data for the CHS system. For the first (cold) start of the day, power on the car to ignition ON (foot off the brake, ie not READY). Turn off the HVAC system. Connect your scantool and go into ECM data. You want to look at and graph ECT (engine coolant temperature), tank outlet water temp (CHS temperature), water valve position (3-way coolant control valve), & RPM. Now foot on brake and go READY. You should hear the CHS pump run for around 5 seconds before the ICE starts. Here's the data from a known good car. Note how the ECT and CHS temps both go up before the ICE starts. If your pump runs but temps don't change, I would double check hose routing on the coolant valve. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thanks for the suggestion, I don’t know if my autel does graphing but will check. The dealer has the car and they are stumped, the coolant in the chs is now hot, so the pump replacement seems to have solved that, but they think the coolant temp at the cylinder head is low and can’t figure out why. Seems logical that if the coolant in the chs is hot and the valve is operational the head would see the hot coolant. Odd thing is that the codes don’t align with a bad valve, nor did they reflect a bad chs pump. I’m also a bit skeptical that genuine Toyota parts have gone bad since being replaced a week ago.
That's why I suggest double checking the hose routing at the coolant valve. Look at the diagram - you can see the top two hoses at the valve. One goes to the ICE, the other goes to the heater. If those are swapped, then hot coolant doesn't directly go to the ICE and the ECT won't increase as expected, which would set a code. I assume since the CHS temp sensor is on the bottom of the tank, that hot coolant leaves from the bottom and is pumped through the coolant valve to the engine and/or the heater.
Thanks for the reminder, hose routing was the first thing I checked, and the dealer also checked and it was done properly. The dealer has had the car for four days, and don’t plan to give it back until tomorrow. They found a chunk of rubber inside the CHS tank, flushed it out and have been test driving on/off for two days to see if the check engine light will come on again. A chunk of rubber suggests a gasket or seal broke somewhere else in the cooling system and made its way to the CHS causing the p1150 code. Not sure where a chunk of rubber could come from.
Dealer fixed the car, said a round piece of foam clogged the tank, and shorted out the 3 way valve and chs sensor I installed. First they blamed me for putting the foam ring in when I replaced the valve, then said they aren’t sure where the foam ring came from or what the risk is that some other part of the cooling system is at risk. Anyone know how to test the chs sensor, it reads 2200 ohms.
That sounds like B-S speak for "they replaced the obvious parts because they could, and when that didn't fix it they actually checked something and found the fault". They certainly weren't going to remove any parts that they installed. There's no way that something stuck inside the CHS will "short out" the valve and temperature sensor. CHS resistance chart shows something around 2k ohms at around 70*F Not sure how that foam piece would have gotten into - well - anything. It's too big to fit into most hoses without being forced in (the heater/CHS hoses are around 5/8" - 16mm inside diameter). Radiator hoses are bigger but that foam would have ended up in the radiator or the thermostat. That foam piece looks like the bit that's used to seal airleaks around a heater core pipe at the firewall (or an A/C pipe, or a wiper pivot). If that foam was the culprit, I might expect it to be "smushed" like it had been stuck inside a small passage for a long time. Hmmm, smells like more B-S to me (but that's just my opinion)
Agreed, it’s like I took a Chevy to a Toyota dealer. They seem completely incompetent. My wife just got home, check engine light is on AGAIN! Autel says P1116 this time. Going to talk to this GM, and research how to test this valve they say is bad, I have a feeling both parts are perfectly fine.
By the way, when I started the car, I heard a ticking noise coming from the center section of the dash, near the vent. It sounded like something was trying to open or close and couldn’t.
Monitor data as suggested in post 5. Autel should also have bidirectional controls. You can command the CHS pump on, move the 3-way valve, see if all that works. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Dealer finally gave the car back, said they were replacing the thermostat then changed their tune and said they replaced the three way valve (3rd one of you are counting). Check engine light gone, has not come back for a week. All of our problems started when the fan belt they replaced flew off the pulley.