hi guys, I will be getting my Prius Prime soon in Canada, but in Canada, they don't have the option to purchase mud guard. I think I should couple post that in USA they do have that option, does anyone know the part number of the front and rear mud guard so that I can order it? Thanks
I just happened to snap this pic, a 2023 Prime I noticed in a mall near us: Think it's rear corner. It "appears" to be the regular wheel well liner, and it's serving double duty as a mud flap. Our '10 was similar: stock it has a modest protrusion at the trailing bottom corner of wheel wells.
This is terribly off-topic but, how are you attaching photos to your posts? All the normal ways I've done it in the past do not work any longer. What is wrong with this site lol??..
If you end up needing them, the part number is either PK389-47R00-TP or PK389-47R00-TF. I'll try to find out what the difference is, but my first guess is that one is for the matte black fender trim on the SE and the other is for the gloss black trim on the XSE and XSE+. Or it could be something completely different. The TP version has a list price of $105.00 USD and the TF is $105.53.
That's a mudguard. Without mudguards, the trim continues smoothly all the way to the bottom of the fender.
Avoiding body moulding and mud guards on the 2023 Prius, would be a solid goal IMO if possible. What's next, brush guards???
Lots of ways. 1. The most traditional is to upload to your "gallery", then link it? I say that with a question mark because I haven't done that in years now. 2. When in the post editor, click "upload a a file", and navigate to the image, select it. after a few seconds it'll be uploaded (and downsampled some?); you can leave it at that, or if you prefer put the edit cursor where you'd like the picture embedded in the text, and there's a button beside the uploaded image to make that happen. This works either on a desktop or on a phone 3. If you're on a system (say Windows pc for example) and have an image in Clipboard (just copied), agin put the edit cursor where you want the picture to be, and paste it (CTRL V in Windows). 4. What I'll end up doing a lot, if I'm posting on my desktop pc, is type "pic to come", then post. Then on my phone at Priuschat pulldown my avatar and choose "Your content", click the most recent, and then edit and click "upload a file", go from there. Yeah, wasn't really thinking; here's a sharpened crop:
The only thing that is working at this point is uploading to gallery and then sharing from there. Every other avenue has stopped working for me. Upload just leaves an ugly "attached file" link at the bottom of the post; using the "add image" function and posting a URL results in a big "X". The site admin is clearly doing some tweaking...
SOME of my pictures were getting rejected due to size. No warning which is why I was looking at all the other reasons beyond the obvious lol. Now I just shrink the pics and it seems like I'm good to go. The pics from my phone are really large. Those are the biggest culprits.
I'm using an IPhone SE2, midsized files I think. I thought it would just downsample if they're excessively big, not sure. Pretty sure it's downsampling mine. But maybe there's a limit it can deal with, not sure. Yeah downsampling beforehand would help if that's the stumbling block. If transferring from my iPhone, if I select pics and email, it asks the size I want, which would conveniently downsample them all.