I drove my 2009 Prius for 14 years over speed bumps with no ABS activation. My 2023 Prius Prime is giving me a massage when I come off the speed bumps (at 1-2 MPH). Did they make the Anti-Lock Braking System more sensitive? Anyone else noticing their ABS engaging over road bumps?
My guess is that won't happen IF your foot is not on the brake at the instant that each axle goes over the bump. I think it is reasonable to suspect that the ABS has been improved some over an almost 15 year period.
I've noticed some cars are just more sensitive than others. It could just be down to the tires. With speed bumps, the wheels can lose contact with the road. The system is likely sensing that. Are you actively braking at the time of the message?
Massage - feeling the vibration of the ABS chopper. Yes I have my foot on the brakes as they put the speed bumps at the stop signs to encourage people to not blow through the intersections. I vacillate between legal stopping when other traffic is around, and slow cautious rolling stops when no other cars are nearby.
Okay. ABS, traction control, and stability control share hardware, so the car might issue the ABS warning when it is really stability control. ABS working while braking over a speed bump sounds normal here. My Sonic would have the ABS kick in on hard stops that wouldn't trigger ABS in the other cars.
I've had a few Toyotas that did this but I haven't experienced it yet in the Prius. The best thing you can do if it activates erroneously is to release and reapply the brake.