For those of use that occasionally like to post data in tabular form, is there any way the vBulletin code for tables can be enabled? I know it exists; CleanMPG has it enabled. It's a little cumbersome to use -- here's a sample: Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 0 Heading Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 1 Row 1 Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 2 Row 2 Data 4 Data 5 Data 6 3 Row 3 Data 7 Data 8 Data 9 But it produces a very clean looking table (with boldfacing and underlining added for "Heading"): I wouldn't mind spending a little extra time to create a table if it helps the reader see the data.
Do you mean like this? head col1 head col2 head col3 1 row1 col1 row1 col2 row1 col3 2 row2 col1 row2 col2 row2 col3 Thanks for making me take the time to look for this addition - it should be very helpful!
Here's some info on how to use it. I haven't had much time to play around with it, so I can't translate this into English right now: Introduction to options: example: Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8 0 The whole option list should be wrapped with quotes. 1 Options are seperated by a semicolon 2 If an option has a value it is assigned with "equal to" mark. (option2) 3 If the value contains blanks or special characters it has to be wrapped with apostrophes. (option3) 4 If an option has more than one value they are seperated by a comma. (option4) 5 6 Description of options: 7 head 8 This option defines the first line as head so the first row is shown as head of the table. If the table sould be sorted the head is not sorted. 9 10 sort=1d 2 3[/I] 11 This defines the table to be sorted by column 1 then column 2 then column 3. The "d" after the first colum specifies the order: descending (default: ascending) 12 13 autonum=1 (equal to autonum) autonum=a autonum=A 14 Defines that a new first column containing a numbering should be inserted. 15 1 -> 1 2 3 4 ... 999 1000 .... 16 a -> a b c ... aa ab ... zz 17 A -> A B C ... AA BB ... ZZ 18 19 autonumtitle=oneword autonumtitle='long value with spaces' 20 Defines the title of the autonum-column. Can be left empty. 21 22 width=123px width=45em width=67% 23 Defines the width of the table.
Hi Danny, I placed this code in a post in my forum, but all i got was the code and no table. head col1 head col2 head col3 1 row1 col1 row1 col2 row1 col3 2 row2 col1 row2 col2 row2 col3 Can you please help? Thanks. Joseph vBulletin® Version 3.7.2
You have to go into your AdminCP and install the BBCode first: BB Code Column 1 0 - Forum[/url]
I'm still not seeing how to do columns in a table in a thread post. vBulletin says to separate by "|"s, but when I do so, anything after the first one on a row disappears. I've been Googling how to set up a table in a post, but no clear examples of the formatting have shown up. I can build tables easily enough in HTML, but vB is annoying me...
Hi 2009Prius, All your columns must be separate by "|" and every row should have the same no. of "|". Is this how you want your table to look like? Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 0 12V battery check 1 IG DMM SGII PriiDash 2 [/LEFT] 3 OFF 12.50 12.4 ---[/LEFT] Vincent
You have to use the head option, your 1st row will be your header. It need not be in Bold, just my personal preference. e.g. 12V battery check 1 2 Vincent
sample Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 0 heading A B C D[/b] 1 Row 1 a b c d 2 Row 2 e f g h 3 Row 3 i j k l
No questions on tables in 6 years – y'all must be more smarter than me. lol Would any gurus still watching this thread have any suggestions. I'm trying to add text that contains commas within into a table cell, but the commas are being interpreted as delimiters ever though I am using "|" as a delimiter which it also recognises. I thought I had successfully done this on the past by enclosing the text with quotes, but this does not work – the quotes are rendered in the cell. So, the question is how is it done, or can it not be done. Example: using this code: Code: [TABLE=HEAD]CASE|[Left]ACTION[/LEFT] Case 1|"When out hiking, and you only have a day pack, be sure to check the weather."[/TABLE] The result is: CASE ACTION 1 Case 1 "When out hiking and you only have a day pack be sure to check the weather." Any and all input gratefully received. PS: I have tried many suggestions from BBCode sources as well as help on the XenForo website as well as here in this forum. A lot of the tags such as [TR] and [TD] but, it seems these are not implemented on this site. PPS: Also didn't find any help in this thread: BB Codes. It did not even mention tables.
BB Code has a tag Code: [nobbc] [/nobbc] that I think acts as a code parser escape but I presume @Danny has to enable its use.
Thanks for the suggestion, but it appears it is not implemented. I used this code: Code: [TABLE=HEAD]CASE|[Left]ACTION[/LEFT] Case 1|[nobbc]When out hiking, and you only have a day pack, be sure to check the weather.[/nobbc][/TABLE] Which gave this result: CASE ACTION 1 Case 1 [nobbc]When out hiking and you only have a day pack be sure to check the weather.[/nobbc] It seems there are a lot of bb-code tags that are not implemented in the add-on that @Danny uses. In Help>BB-Code it suggests the tags Code: [PLAIN][/PLAIN] Using this tag works both inside and outside the table, provided there are no commas. Code: [PLAIN]This is not [B]bold[/B] text.[/PLAIN] renders as: This is not [B]bold[/B] text. When used in a table, this code Code: [TABLE=HEAD]CASE|[Left]ACTION[/LEFT] Case 1|[PLAIN]When out hiking, and you only have a day pack, be sure to check the weather.[/PLAIN] Case 2|[PLAIN]This is not [B]bold[/B] text.[/PLAIN][/TABLE] renders as: CASE ACTION 1 Case 1 When out hiking and you only have a day pack be sure to check the weather.[/PLAIN] 2 Case 2 This is not [B]bold[/B] text. It seems like an error in parsing the within the table add-on, maybe, because in Case 1 it seems like the PLAIN tag is terminated by the comma in the text, but Case 2 parses correctly. If I add a comma to Case 2, it breaks it: Code: [TABLE=HEAD]CASE|[Left]ACTION[/LEFT] Case 1|[PLAIN]When out hiking, and you only have a day pack, be sure to check the weather.[/PLAIN] Case 2|[PLAIN]This, is not [B]bold[/B] text.[/PLAIN][/TABLE] it renders as: CASE ACTION 1 Case 1 When out hiking and you only have a day pack be sure to check the weather.[/PLAIN] 2 Case 2 This is not bold text.[/PLAIN] Hmmm. I guess we keep looking.
So there's really no easier way to post info in a table than by learning to use the code for posting?