WHY IS IT ALL PLASTIC?! It has completely worn through! And replacements are no less than $50! I don't want to spend $200 to fix all the doors, especially if I'm getting the same crap that will wear out again in a few years. Meanwhile 25 year old Honda holds its doors good as new on its original METAL checks. This is BS. What should I do?
Get a 3D printer and print the plastic with fetal filliment. They it will all be steel. Or see if there are any 3rd party ones. Or buy New fom Toyota. Or do with out and be careful opening the door...
I'll have to look into this I'm imagining another model a few years older all metal .yes my Corolla SR5 74 model were gold colored metal still intact today cars is owned by local still on road.everything on gen3 very dainty fragile .
surprising, i always thought mine were metal. i'm not having any trouble, but i only have 86,000 miles. as far as keeping the doors open, they aren't the best i've ever seen, it's a very mild check
What about buying a computer, 3D printer, the filaments, installing the drivers and learning to use the and setting up the printer and software?
Yeah mine are too are there a combination of materials I think predominantly some kind of resin or plastic but they're not really made to do anything You're not supposed to be taking these lightweight doors and flinging them open until it flies the stay all the way to its limit of traveling the door flies back towards you people that do that are supposed to get a foot in their nice person My kid is tried to do that a couple of times and been turned over my knee practically We don't do that nobody should be doing that The door stay is not made for that type of activity and the one here that pulled the part look like. Folks just park on an angle and open the door and just let go of the handle and watch it fly open and bounce bounce bounce bounce yeah I know the routine I ain't having it That's why I keep my doors locked and when I'm talking to somebody that's on the street or whatever it stays locked I don't usually ride people and things like that just for this kind of business because people will treat your stuff like street people it's just unbelievable the flog your door open like they're getting in a suicide door Lincoln Continental in 1959 when doors weighed 200 lb. And if this just happened at random while I'm sorry but I I just don't think so two of my vehicles are delivery vehicles that women drive for God's sake no problems doors are open thousands of times of a shift And we have no dents or any damage in the doors only complaints with the doors is the armrest door panel plastic comes unwelded and you put your arm on the armrest and it'll almost cave through to the floor of the door panel quite crappy design to be honest apparently nobody else has this problem except the four or five cars I have around and service interesting for sure.
Buy more 25 year old Hondas while you can. Why would you replace all four? There's only one worn out unit in your photo. Pretty unusual to wear them all out at the same rate, but if so good on you for your carpool-fu. Maybe get the carpool buddies to chip in? And for those of us who have not yet worn ours all the way out... Maybe we should look at swapping them between front doors and rear doors after 8-10 years to balance the wear?
Yeah that would be cool rotate them around I can't imagine I'm waiting to see mine explode of course I am a little more careful with the doors I've been driving these lightweight little cars for 40 years so there's no need to treat him like a a Cadillac. I'm thinking maybe some others from other models will bolt right in and I literally would have to go look but they made these things in metal 10 gold all the way up until well when they went to plastic but not too awful long ago and the design hasn't really changed a little square rectangle piece that bolts to the door the metal piece that's the slide that pins to the frame and the curve needs to match the left and right side as it goes into the door about it so I would think this should be a pretty easy project it's one I never thought about until somebody mentioned exploding doors days. So we'll see in a couple of days I'll be back out at the spot where all the cars are parked and I'll have a look see probably won't take but a few minutes
A Honda oddesy door check fits a Prius. I’ll see if I can find the link to that post… I bought a $14 one from Amazon. Worked fine. No idea how long it will last. I think the plastic on metal theory of engineering is to have to avoid lube.
I'd just roll down the windows and do the Dukes of Hazard to get in/out! You young whipper snappers have no idea what that is!!
They're all weak and barely hold the door against the slightest slope but this one was pretty much totally loose.