What tires do you have on your 2023 Prius and would you consider them fairly quiet or noisy on less-than-perfect roads? Such a wide variety of tires being put on the new model may be a reason we hear conflicting reports of tire noise experienced. I have the Ecopia's, and they are listed as noise-makers by many folks.
There are only 2 brands being used on the 23 Prius: Toyo and Michelin and I have yet to see anyone say they got the Michelins. And yes, the Toyos are noisy on rough surfaces, but on the other side, they are super quiet on smooth surfaces.
We have the Michelin Primacy All Seasons on our car which was delivered in Boulder, so maybe it's dependent on the market? They've been totally fine so far, but come winter we'll put on some CrossClimate2 tires which I had great luck with in our Tesla.
I am hoping for Michelin‘s on my AWD Limited! I’ll look into those cross climate twos! I am in the upper Midwest. I don’t think I’ll put dedicated snow tires. If it’s too bad I’ll just stay home✌️
There are at least four OE tires: Toyo Extensa, Michelin Primacy, Yokohama BluEarth, and Bridgestone Ecopia. edit: Oh, Toyo for me. Forgot that part.
Mine has the Toyo Extensa A/S tires. I think it is the same or possibly quieter than my Buick Encore was on 18” rims. Not sure what the tire brand was. But no road noise complaints here.
Lucky dogs. I got the Bridgestones. Michelin's ARE primacy! Love my Prius all the same. Took her through some nice curvies tonight. Wow! Maybe the dealer will let me swap them out for Michelin's one day in the future. I notice they have a lot of used tires stacked up behind their shop; I'm guessing they stock some Toyota specific tires?
My dealer in NC indicates they are only being provided original replacements for Toyo and Michelin. Perhaps different in other parts of the country....
My 2023 XLS has 19" Toyo Extensas. They are, indeed, quiet on smooth surfaces but noisy on rougher surfaces.
Having had a bit more driving time this week, I would have to agree with this assessment. The Prius seems quieter than my Buick was most of the time, especially on smooth roads, but then I’ll hit a bump (or couple of them) that’s particularly loud and I am surprised by it because of how otherwise quiet the car tends to be. Still, I don’t find it to be annoyingly noisy. Wind noise seems less than with the Buick, too.
I think unless you have the tires pumped way up, any harshness from legit bumps will be due to the suspension. Listening to some of the YouTube reviewers comment on how the new Prius takes bumps, they would always compliment it. Most of these guys admittedly review performance cars so they are likely used to having their teeth rattle out on rough roads. To them, the Prius shines. The best way to judge tire noise is to drive on a smooth, gravel/asphalt mix road. They will usually be lighter in color than the solid black asphalt roads which drive like a dream. Concrete will also tell the tale. The resulting "hummm" will be the variable to judge. I guess folks should include their tire pressures as well if we're gonna nerd out on tire noise anecdotes. An Ecopia at 40, will not be the same beast at 35 lol. My door sticker says to keep the tires at 36Frnt/35Bk. In my Gen4, I would keep both at 39'ish. I'm gonna try the new car at 39F/38B and see how that goes.
2023 Prius Prime XSE: Toyo Extensa A/S 195/50R19 at 36 all around at the moment Much quieter on any surface than my 2009 Prius at 37/35 ever was
I have the Toyo Extensa A/S 195/50R19 II (M&S?) and have the pressure at 35 in the front and 33 in the rear, per the door panel. I can't see why I would use different PSI than what is recommended for the car. I am interested to know how these tires will do in snow. Any one care to guess? I know dedicated snow tires are best, but hoping to be ok with these, with front wheel drive.