My prius ltd 2023 has options to set the car seat preferences in 1 and 2. While the car is on, I press set and then press 1 or 2 until I hear a beep. However pressing those buttons does not move the seat to the desired position. Can anyone help?
Just to be clear... You move your seat into a position. You press Set, then 1 until you hear a beep. You move the seat into a new position. You press 1, but the seat doesn't move back to the previous position. Is that correct? Are you doing this with the car on or off?
According to the 2023 Prime manual (p. 231) recalling a position requires you to hold the button until you hear the buzzer/beep: ■ Recall procedure 1 Check that the shift position is in P. 2 Turn the power switch to ON. 3 Press one of the buttons for the driving position you want to recall until the buzzer sounds.
Turns out that the car seats had to be reset. Such a simple fix...but not in the manual. Youtube saves the day!
Idk if the above link works but if anyone comes across this in the future here is how you do it: 1. Turn on car and have doors closed 2. use the seat adjustment controls in every single direction as far as they will go (so..move the seat all the way forward, then all the way back, then all the way up, then all the way down, then recline all the way back, all the way forward, tilt all the way forward and backward..etc). This will reset all the settings 3. Adjust seat to your preference 4. Press Set + 1 until you hear beep like the in the manual (or Set + 2) that's it!