Had a woman approach me when I was parking at McDonald's to get a coffee and kill some time. Told me she loved my car. Today on the highway a family in a U-Haul van honked at me and all of them gave me the thumbs up as they passed. Even when we had the Ram Charger monster truck with 8" lift, 36" swampers, and I-beams for bumpers we didn't get this much attention.
Apparently the service techs at my Toyota dealership had a "What's that!?!" moment when my car went back for its first oil change. The dealership has sold a couple, but they were picked up almost immediately. Mine was the first to go back to the service department. (at this dealership, the service dept is in a separate building)
Had my first real reaction yesterday(other than a couple teenagers working drivethru asking what it was). Checking out of my hotel and a guy approached me saying he had been checking it out the night before and had taken a picture. First one he had seen in person(I think he was from Minneapolis). Was very impressed and had taken the pic to send to his adult kid that was looking to buy a new car.
A few days ago, I had lunch at an outdoor restaurant. While I was finishing my meal, I noticed that the folks who had parked next to me were checking out my Prius. They were sitting in their car when I finished, so we had a nice chat about the Prius and related topics.
I've had a few lately I forgot to add. I'm walking my dog at a little green space and there's this kid slinking about my car, photographing and then posting the pics somewhere. I'm watching him the whole time. Then I walk up behind him and say, "photographs nice eh?", scared the crap out of him lol. He looked at me like I was a celebrity or something. Barely said a word. So weird lol. There's this park I sometimes have to drive by that has kids and their performance cars all parked in a row on the weekends. Every time I pass they all look and follow my car in unison. Sometimes I'll hear someone say, "Wth is that??!!". Then I'm at the grocery store getting ready to park. A dude walks by and gives the car a hard stare. Then he looks up at me and smiles like we were lifelong friends. I wave lol. I think he drove off in a Toyota-something, so he's part of the family. Lots and lots of instances of other Prii staying behind me and off to the side for miles - just outside my blind spot, presumably so they can admire my car's nice booty.
I was waiting to pick up someone from a hospital at the drive up pickup/drop off circle and after a couple minutes the valet came over to my car. I thought he was going to scold me for being on the valet side but he really wanted to ask what kind of car it was. He was shocked it was a Prius and didnt believe me at first. Another attendant walked over and whistled, then they had some back and forth about the lines and curves. The first guy does the arm waving finger snap thing young people do these days and said if I took off the Toyota emblem on the front and the Prius off the back people would think this was a new kind of Lambo. I have a black Limited and at the right angle it really does look like a sports car in my opinion. Having just turned 50, my wife calls it my "mid-life crisis sports car for Nerds". She's a computer geek and gamer like me so that's not an insult - but others think it's hilarious. I too have noticed other Prius on the road hanging around, even changing lanes on a 3 lane road to get a view from both sides when I'm in the middle.