Gen 5 Prius Prime is $5,500 more expensive and has 10% lower fuel efficiency than Gen 5 Prius. As it is still not a BEV, why in the world would anyone consider buying a Gen 5 Prius Prime instead of a Gen 5 Prius? Note that Gen 4 Prius Prime had higher fuel efficiency than Gen 4 Prius, and it cost less with the now-gone federal and state incentives.
i would buy it for the ev range, but there are other things that are prolematic for me. those things are the same on the prius though, i can't go back to hybrid driving alll the time. the fuel efficiency is good enough for me, and it is worth the $5,500. i paid a lot more for my pip than the 2012 prius
I really wanted the Prime but took an XLE that was available instead. We've put 4,300 miles on it in under 6 weeks, and we've been averaging 55mpg and higher on some tanks. I often see 60+mpg when driving strictly around town, and I've seen 90+mpg in all city driving for stretches of 30 miles at a time which is totally insane and awesome and makes 600+ mile tanks a reality. Honestly after having this one for a while and doing lots of miles in a short time, I no longer regret not getting a Prime. Also I personally don't care for a few of the styling details of the Prime over the XLE - the red interior dash trim, the red seat trim, the white tail lights, etc. - long story short, I'm extremely happy and glad we saved some cash as well. The only 2 options I really wish we could have are the power lift gate and the solar roof, but neither is a deal breaker.
Well, it certainly makes it a more difficult justification without the incentives. In other places like Canada, we still have incentives, which 100% makes it the better choice. (It does remind me of the early day of the PiP, where the high price and low incentive still left it several thousand more than the regular Prius, the tiny battery made the cost justification difficult, so there was certainly an element of just wanting the vehicle despite not being the most cost effective. I bought mine used to offset this. ) Of course, calculating purely on savings of gas, will likely never pay back (or very long), but if you have access to free charging and usage pattern allows frequent charging, then the break even may be closer. Otherwise, depends how much the extra features like +24hp, Traffic Jam Assist/driver monitor (which I think is only available with Prime?), AC outlets (generator capability?), and a few different styling features are worth to you. Also, there is always the traditional green benefit of burning less gas and emissions, and “doing the right thing”, if that is important to you. Also, like any vehicle, the resale value should be higher as well since the original MSRP was higher, particularly if the vehicle is more rare since fewer are sold due to the higher cost, so the full $5500 shouldn’t be considered an automatic loss… However, I don’t disagree that for many, just going with the non-Prime, will probably make more sense, value-wise. To each their own…
At $1.589 CAD per litre or $4.511 USD is the Fuel cost in Toronto,Canada (July 3rd. 2023) Government is using the “Stick Method” with annual Carbon Pricing (tax) increased from 2023 $65 per ton to $170 per ton. For me it makes sense to plug in at home and charge up for daily commute on EV mode as much as possible. Ontario have one of the lowest carbon content for electricity production in North America. (Mostly Nuclear, Hydro & Wind). My problem is the long wait for the Prime. I will probably miss out on the Canadian Federal Rebate $5000 that would make the Prime almost the same cost as the Regular Hybrid.
Where are you getting your figure of 10% lower fuel efficiency? Were you just comparing MPG driven with the ICE only for both cars? Why in the world would a Gen 5 Prius Prime be driven in hybrid mode only to get less fuel efficiency when you have at least 50 EV miles to work with. Most will probably not use any fuel at all! FYI, as far as incentives in CA, there is still a $1000 rebate for the 2023 Prius Prime! The 2023 Prius Prime wasn’t added yet back in early May when I got my car and had to check back online.
Why no mention of the 39 to 44 miles of EV range? The 2022 MSRP difference was $3700 for 25 miles of EV. The price per EV mile for both generations is about the same. Toyota doesn't forgo the incentive amount for their revenue, and incentives making a PHEV cheaper than the hybrid just means people that won't plug in will buy them.
Financially, no. It's very likely you'll never recoup the costs whatever the price of electricity may be in your area. Especially with the lack of federal rebates at the moment. With that being said, I love that I have the option for hybrid fuel efficiency on the highway, and EV efficiency for city/slower driving. It's a different kind of fun, one that I enjoy very very much. I enjoy it so much that I didn't care there's no federal rebates this time around, or that its $5k more expensive than the normal Prius. I reminisced often of the last gen Prime from time to time and how I missed playing the game and having the option of switching between modes to get the best fuel efficiency. I guess you could kind of equate jumping from the regular Prius to a Prime to choosing between the V6 option and the V8 option in a muscle car. Definitely doesn't make financial sense, and you won't be able to use it's full power on the public streets but damn is it fun and satisfying.
When I saw the pricing for the 2023 Prius Prime compared to the 2022 Prius Prime specifically for the premium version at $39k, I told the fleet manager, I paid the same amount for my 2012 Prius Plug-in advanced 11 years ago!
right? i paid $29k for the base after the tax credit. currently $1,500. the base prime would be $31k, and look what you're getting for that!
Never drove a prime nor owned one. I can only envision battery only drive in prime is akin to battery only mode in my 2020 highlander or maverick hybrid. Sort of a cheap Testa thu not the same. I am hooked on it and $5k added cost be dam lol. Well at least if I could lease one and get 7.5k taken off lease cost one day. Just not down in SE region. Still might then miss my Maverick somewhat else more. Seem Ford got the clue and raised 2024 prices and hybrid is not longer the base engine offered.
At the end of the day, we all have to justify our own purchase to ourselves and subsequently to everyone else. Buy what you like, and what fits your needs and budgets.
Not worth it. If one can make use of a plug and get EV tax credit in the US, a base Model 3 is the obvious choice, even with its glass breaking, doors falling or what have you.
Feel free to write/call Toyota and tell them to pack up the primes and go home. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying my Prime with Toyota build quality, no range anxiety, and no phantom braking due to Teslas continuous cost cutting measures removing lidar. I'm not paying $40k to be Teslas beta tester.
Not worth it over a regular Prius is all what I said. Not saying the prime is worthless. You are certainly not getting as much of a car with the same amount if not more of money. I am glad you like it and I admit a PHEV has its advantages. Just don’t compare an economy little car against a sport EV with proper double wishbone and 300+ hp.
Agreed. It’s like comparing 350 mile range to 600 mile range. Or comparing 250 mile to 500 miles between fill ups in the winter. Wait until Everyone’s Else’s EVs are clogging up all the Teslas Charges not going to get far on a single charge in the winter.