Thinking warranty might be the same figuring it is transferable. Uncertain if battery warranty remains the same for prime or non-prime gen5 models. With lack of inventory certain dealers would charge new car pricing anyway. Did find this web item I saw prior though limited to: Modified adjusted gross income must not exceed $75k for individuals, $112,500 for heads of households, and $150k for joint returns If your income/retirement money exceeds that yearly then no federal rebate. Will ask my tax guy but guessing pensions, SS and 401k/457 type withdraws are ‘income’ just as is of course $ from working 40 hours a week. IRS likes to get there $ so thinking I am taxed on all of it each year, even being retired, no doubt. Should have tossed $ into Roth IRAs back when working darn it. Well at least others that need a hand to get into the hybrid lane will have some help to do that with this federal tax credit (if they have that much tax due). Used prime 2017-2021 $4,000 Used RAV4 phe v 2021 $4,000 Used RAV4 ev 2012-2014 $4,000 Also read this item, though as I recall it was sort of a fluff piece. Limited internet presently at a lake, visiting family up in Indiana. Kids are fun…not mine as I don’t have any but nice being an Uncle at times lol.
As rare as new Gen 5s are so far, I'd think there would be more unicorns than used Gen 5. As for the warranty, that's for the car, not the owner. It transfers right along with the car.
Was thinking that is the way it works. So even the free oil changes transfer if not beyond the two years old. Had thought, at times, maybe toyota provided a longer warranty on some used toyota items like the hybrid battery but must not be recalling correctly. That plus there are/where Certified pre-owned CPO warranties though don’t recall what type off used cars toytota applied that to.
The used EV price can't be over $25k in order to qualify for the credit. Plus, the actual amount is 30% of the price, and the sale has to be through a dealer. Used Clean Vehicle Credit | Internal Revenue Service
The gen4 Prime can be found for under $25k. Same with the Rav4 EV. Lease a new Prime, Prius or Rav4, and you should get the benefit of the $7500 tax credit.
Yes, hard to swim against the currents of no/low supply plus at least down here in the SE area it does not offer the $7,500 as a lease credit when doing the numbers I think.
Darn, now I can not find a good source web page denoting the $7,500 federal tax on a lease. Anyone have a link? Ok, changed the Search words and darn if any of the three article hits defines what EVs get the $7,500 when leasing. The Prime is a plugin hybrid, not a full EV thus one could think maybe it is not part of the EVs that the dealer would get (pass on) a $7,500 rebate given to them. So it goes…guess if the internet does not know for certain Toyota dealers would be clueless as well on this topic,
An EV(BEV, PHEV, and FCEV) that does not qualify for the general clean vehicle credit can claim the commercial one. The IRS classifies a vehicle, including a car, as nearly anything purchased by a business or non-profit. A lease company buying a car to lease out is a commercial use. Commercial Clean Vehicle Credit | Internal Revenue Service There are limits to the lease terms. You couldn't lease a car for just 6 months, and then buy it out. A typical lease shouldn't have any issues