Hi everyone hope someone here can help around midnight tried to jump start friends car my friend connected the cables in wrong way and everything is dead now, car is Prius plugin Hybrid , I have checked and changed few 10amp fuses in fuse box but not sure how to check fusible link, i can see that it has 7 fuses under fusible link which are 50amp and 30amps. ANY HELP WILL BE MUCH APPRECIATED
You will need a multimeter to do an end-to-end continuity test. OL reading means no continuity/bad. This could be a pain because the wires are in harness and the opposite end can be deep within the recess of the car.
Ouch… sorry to hear that. Unfortunately I don’t have any help to offer with your current problem, but I do hope for you or your friend’s sake (not sure whose car it is from your message?), and I hope it turns out to only be a fuse somewhere, as frying several computers could total your car, as they are certainly quite expensive if multiple need replacement. I am fairly certain the owner manual recommends agains jump starting with ANY hybrid for this reason. If you haven’t considered it already, I highly recommend investing in a portable battery with jumper cables, which are quite small and inexpensive these days, allowing you to still help someone (or yourself), without putting a healthy vehicle at risk. I know that certainly doesn’t help you now, but thought I would pass along the suggestion for the future. Good luck and let us know what the solution turns out to be…
UPDATE: Managed to start the car by replacing Fusible link which is directly under the 12v battery positive terminal and then 40/30/30 Pink fuse along with 4 other fuses but now I'm getting Low Brake pressure error, i didnt have my techstream with me to diagnose or reset, I will update as I progress but in the meantime if anyone want to suggest or have any knowledge to share please let me know thankyou Kevin and CBERG