Suggestions: sleep in cool - heat defeats sleep. Night temperatures are more important than day temps. around midnight - A/C off and fans blow outside air into the house. keep sunlight off skin - a hat, long sleeve loose shirt, and long pants work best. protect eyes - sunglasses external water - wash arms and face with water for cooling and comfort Bob Wilson
If you can, purchase one of those "cool necklaces" that one wears around their neck. It works! keeps the head cool.
Must be low humidity in Huntsville to get away with this. Not here in Central Texas or anywhere within 200 miles of the Gulf Coast where prevailing winds move humidity in from the ocean to go along with 76-80f night temps. 10pm to 9am this morning
We usually open the windows and turn the fans on at bedtime, but the humidity has been beastly lately, and the wildfire smoke is back again. Double whammy. So it’s been a/c at 75 days and 72 nights. ceiling fans are much better than table tops. If you have access to a pool, they can really bring down body temperature
Also changing your sleep schedule so you can make the most of the coolest part of the day helps... But #1 is indeed the fact that in order for your body to fall asleep your brain temperature needs to drop a by a degree or two...
The real problem isn't the need to plant little trees, but to protect big trees from idiots who cut them down. We all have memories of big trees that are gone now. That's not just a natural life cycle as trees are able to grow for centuries and humans can only grow for decades. Think of it like this, every spring a tree starts growing a new layer of wood around the outside of the layer of wood it grew last year. And because this new layer is on the outside, it has to grow more wood than the previous year, but in the same amount of time... If you repeat this process for centuries, or in some case multiple milleniums, the bigger the tree, the more wood it produces every year. And the largest trees in the world will grow a new layer of wood equivalent to several football field of surface area on an annual basis making the biggest oldest trees the fasted growing life forms in the world. We need to protect all our trees so they get big enough to do this again!