My A/C will blow warm when I come to a stop and idle, after it has been blowing cold. The dealer told me the condenser needed replaced. I disagree. I parked outside and let the car run, it is 84 degrees today, when the engine fans both came on, the vents would blow cold, when the fans shut off, it would blow warm. That tells me that when air is being pulled through the radiator and condenser that the condenser has to be good. The refrigerant is full and new, no leaks. So, my question is, is there a separate relay or switch that tells the fans to turn on for the A/C when at an idle? I know the engine temperature sensor works for engine cooling.
When Fan No. 3 relay is energized, you get both fans on low speed. When Fan No. 1 and Fan No. 2 relays are energized together, you get both fans on high speed. Those are the two intended ways they can operate. Sometimes, in case of a problem, you can have only one fan running, or only one speed, not both. The relays are driven, in this generation, directly by outputs from the ECM. The ECM has the engine coolant temperature sensor connected to it, and should also know when the A/C is on, by the A/C amplifier sending it a message to tell it so.
My experience is both fans come on and stay on with the ac system. The odds are against having a bad relay and still having both fans run at times. The only reasonable hardware scenario is if control of relays 1 and 2 is bad. Or both relays are bad. A techstream coolant fan active test would narrow things down. Besides the relays, a call for ac can be interrupted by high cooling temp, out of range refrigerant pressure or low hybrid battery voltage. A clogged condenser can cause high refrigerant pressure. As can an overcharge or clogged dryer or txv. A loss of an ac call would also drop the coolant fan relay power. So it might be a chicken or egg thing. Which came first? Techstream status monitoring would help.
I think I remember some kind of complicated freon charge for the car..... watched a video on it a few years ago. Who did the repairs?
You can get the cable and a copy of techstream on ebay and maybe amazon..... used to be about $35, service plug on one end and usb on the other