My 2006 at 196k had an alignment and rotation (back to front) done at a local tire chain (Tires Plus) and the next day I get loud tire noises at slower speeds around 25-30 mph and below. I took it back to Tires Plus for an inspection and was told the noise is from the driver's side front wheel bearing and needed to be replaced (quoted about $400 parts/labor). I took it to the dealership the next day and was told the tire noise is from 'cracks' on the tires and they need to be replaced, along with the wheel hub and bearing. I did the hub/bearing replacement but not the tires. The day before at Tires Plus I was told there was plenty of tread and no problems with the tires (Bridgestone Ecopia EP422's from Costco). At this point I'm considering having them re-rotated or going back to Costco for warranty replacement. Photos are attached. Any ideas?
A good first step, when you can determine what corner the noise is coming from, too late now but for next time: rotate the tires again, either side to side or front to back, see if the noise shifts. Much cheaper. Tires do get noiser as they age too, and maybe moving back to front, different camber, makes for new/different noise? Looks like plenty of tread btw. And judging from pic only minor cracking. Is that a plug repair? No big deal.
how many miles on the tires? so you replaced the bearing, and there was no reduction in noise? i would rotate front to back, if the noise gets quieter, you have a problem tire.
Indeed. Shops tend to over-inflate tires. BUT it has been my experience that any tire problem due to aging tends to show up when they are rotated. From the picture, it looks like you might have a little cupping going on. I have had knock-down drag out (almost) arguments with many brands of dealer shops and always ended up going to Sams Club for new Michelins. Problem always solved.
Any new tire will be quieter than an old set. That being said when I switched to new Michelen Defenders T plus H. It was quieter than before so I then did sound deadening on doors, trunk etc. I think that quieted other noise and made the tire noise more pronounced. I have since reduced tire pressure three times to try and get quieter ride, but the tire transmitted noise on rough surfaces is still very significant. I laways ran higher tire press. for better mileage, but now I am 2 lbs below recommended and the tire noise is better but still bad. Not so sure about Michelen T+H tires. It's really louder than I had hoped.