I recently ordered the stainless steel version of the Miller Cat Shield for our 2023 Prius through the dealer, and it has arrived. Has anyone installed it yet? I installed cat shields on our Toyota Land Cruiser which was easy because it sits up so high and doesn't need to go on a lift, but with how low the Prius rides, I can't imagine it would be possible without lifting at least the front and also likely the back as well which doesn't sound appealing to me. I requested an appointment at the dealer later this week, so unless I hear it's super easy I'll probably just have the dealer take care of it.
I believe I read here somewhere they moved the Gen 5 Cat up into the exhaust manifold assembly to thwart cat thieves...
I can't really put it on ANY scale of difficulty. I believe that once you install it, you'll be embarrassed you even asked. It's that simple.
True that Toyota did but imho, I'm not confident that the crackhead thieves are smart enough, or aware enough to know what is what. I expect them to be willing to hop under almost any car they can and cut out anything that remotely looks like a cat.
Haha! I'm not worried about the install...just fitting underneath the car! I'll see if my ramps could work to get it high enough off the ground. That might be the ticket!
Thanks for the link. I searched to see if this had already been discussed and didn't see the other thread. It seems to answer the questions and I'll give installing with ramps a try.
Has anyone tried to crawl under a Gen 5,,,seems much lower than previous Gens.....unless they bring a jack, it will be tough to steal the cat...