Hello My car 2014 prius I recently changed my front disc & pads All Toyota parts & lubed my calliper pins & cleaned & brake kit reused & cleaned I have took apart 3 times &refit double check Done about 1000 miles since first few miles no sound , Then it keeps coming Very noticeable rubbing Seems to stop when braking this is noticeable @ 5-15 mph window down driving I jacked car up Put in neutral & spinned wheel can’t hear it seems fine any suggestions please
Nothing loose Could it be white high temp grease I put on pads very lightly , I raised it & spinned wheel can’t hear it
Just wanted add The disc is not shining with these pads ,not bedding as nice as I thought , I accidentally got grease on them , I after few hundred miles I did take apart & cleaned with brake cleaner , including pads , I’m thinking did I ruin my pads , & the pads plate shims are not solid tight but are on don’t seem to move , I’m lost what it could be thanks for all reply
Help the grease car lube lm2 white , also when I’m braking there’s a brake beep when I release brake , it also skids under really hard full stop brake I’m thinking replace pads , Because I had some anti seize tiny amount on pad surface which I drove for 100 miles , couldn’t get the disc shiny after I cleaned
Googling “lm2 white” I get no relevant results. Post a picture of the product? For what is worth, this is what I’m using: for caliper slide pins and rubber boots: sil-glyde brake lubricant for contact points between pad backs, shims and caliper: Permatex Anti-Seize (silver) someone may be along shortly to correct me, suggest Toyota proprietary lubes.
I am thinking that you should let a professional mechanic fix them right. Yes, you probably damaged the pads.....with grease or anti-seize or whatever it really was. It is not a problem if the ABS kicks in and the tires skid a bit under REALLY hard braking. I don't think you have the knowledge necessary to be doing things like this.
The one time I've had ABS going off under normal circumstances, was after a "professional" brake fluid replacement that left one rear corner non functional (free-wheeling). This was on a previous car.
Any idea what the brake beep noise is , it was there before I did the disc brakes , it does seem worse now , I did the rear as well full disc pads no issues there , supposed to br harder I’m told , I also noticed a crack on brake flex pipe , no leaks , & brake fluid colour looks old