It originates from behind the left coolant reservoir. Can’t figure out where it plugs back in (I had a guy who was over here trying to help me diagnose and repair my abs system, but I didn’t see him remove this).
The overall length, and the shape of the blurry out-of-focus connector on the end, look a lot like the connection to the water pump. Look for the socket on the back of your water pump. Is something plugged in there? Do not drive the car or run the engine without the water pump working.
Thanks for the guess. The plug does look like what they use for the water pump, but I was able to locate and see that the water pump is plugged in. It’s a pretty long cord and looks like it was secured using four plastic tabs.
Are you quite certain you found the engine water pump? In the less-blurry photo, that connector looks so much like it, I would be hard pressed to think it was anything else. Can you give the wire colors brought to that plug?
Interesting. According to Toyota Service Information and Where To Find It | PriusChat you should be able to find a wiring diagram for Mexico at the same site we use for US. That wiki page also links to a couple of posts that demonstrate how to navigate the wiring diagram and find what a specific connector is, with its location and wire colors.
It looks like that connector with four tabs stretches all the way across the car some kind of way It's a pretty good run It's on a gen 3 so when I get back to the house I can have a look pretty quick
Ohh, that helped me realize that it’s most likely my windshield wiper motor cable. It’s off the car right now as I’ve been working on the abs. Thanks everyone !
That goes up into your windshield wiper tray I'd have to take all that apart on my 2010 that has no hood still a pain in the nice person but that that wire right there that you're holding in your hand right above your air conditioner high side port that goes into the black plastic that feeds your wipers and goes across the business to something else I'm sure but I can't remember what You're wiring diagram should show you look up the wipers and in that pic I think you'll see this black wire that's right next to your high side port of your air conditioner and the black plug that wire generally runs through the plastic trim and heads into the windshield wiper underneath the vents and all that I can't see in there I've had it apart a bunch of times and all the wiring up in there should plug up and be used
Yes I gathered I see you have the tray out which is was my next question yeah that's all your windshield wiper business when you put the car back together properly you won't even see that that'll be going into around plastic hole that's below your vents on the outside of the car so there you go Not sure how this would be relevant while you're working on the car but no big deal there you go It is in fact your windshield wiper cable because they're unplugged and off the car all the plastics are off there's nowhere for that cable to go except to lay in the engine bay right under where it belongs which is what it's doing wire is funny like that
And don't forget on reassembly to look at that high pressure port for your air conditioner and make sure that black wrapped line is going up and through the opening on the tray laying in the tray and actually plugged into the wiper motor before you close it up many people have forgot
I think that goes to the wiper motor..... After you put the cowl back in it will lay across it and to push in's hold it down across the bracket for the motor and wiper arms.