Apologies, I wasn't sure if there was any group thread for general discussion of prospective new owners. Anyway, I'm coming from a 2012 C that has been my first car that I've absolutely loved, but I'm getting acutely aware that expensive repairs could be on the horizon after over a decade and I'm already probably living risky with the wait times for new vehicles. I'm no real gearhead or anything, but I've loved having an efficient, eco friendly vehicle, and wanted to make sure my next one continued in that direction. I'd initially been looking at the standard 2023 Prius, but with local rebates it sounds like a base level SE Prime can be had for $2k more (and I'm not totally doing it in strictly in service of minimum cost of ownership - I just enjoy the concept of efficient driving). The world of full EV still sounds kinda intimidating in terms of figuring out charging/planning for range etc, and the Prime feels like a good intermediate step, especially for a city dweller like me (Toronto ON). My condo building has some shared charging stalls that I can make use of, as well I'm hoping to familiarize myself with whatever charging infrastructure exists in the coming years). But generally are there any huge gotchas I'm fundamentally overlooking in considering a Prime, as an existing hybrid owner who wants to dabble a bit more in EV driving? Thanks!
I think you've got it worked out pretty well. About all I can say is that the Prime has more of all the things that are making you think your c is risky at age 11, chiefly "complexity." Factor that in when you make your longer-term plan. Apart from that, make sure you're okay with the change in cabin style. Personally I really appreciate the lack of a big center console in the c, makes the car feel much roomier for this tall driver.
I still see a boatload of Gen2's on the road. I used the rule "when repairs start exceeding the new loan payments it's time to upgrade". Unfortunately with long lead times it becomes more diffiult to upgrade quickly. I second @bisco 's comment about no spare tire. The Prime has no spare and no safe place to carry one but I believe some non-Prime's do at least have a well to store a spare you purchase. Check with a dealer but Toyota did have an "on request" spare tire kit for conventional Prius which included the mounting hardware and well covers. That may no longer be available.
wow thanks for all the feedback! i'm definitely not a high mileage driver. i've probably racked up around 150,000 km in total, but i did hear the hybrid battery needing replacement does become more of an issue after a decade of use. i did test drive the 2023 model the other day and there wasn't anything that jumped out at me as uncomfortable or unpleasant. But I do love the "feel" of the smaller C, its just a shame they discontinued in north america. ah thats a good thing to note. cursory check seems to suggest even the regular prius isn't shipping with one on most trims? i mostly will be in the city or areas accessible for assistance if i have issues, so here's hoping it'd be a manageable limitation. Also totally agree on the note about upgrading when maintenance exceeds payments on a new vehicle. That had sorta been my thinking previously, but yeah the incredibly long wait times (and the fact that i just had to do a $1200 car computer replacement) has made me really feel like its best to just start the ball rolling sooner than later.
The main complaint that we're hearing from the owners of the newest Prius is that it's smaller than the usual size Prius. But in your situation you're coming from a Prius C, which is way, way, way smaller than a regular Prius. So in your case it'd be an upgrade. Of course if you live in a big city with a shortage of parking, your Prius C will fit in a lot more spots than a regular Prius will fit into.
haha totally, my c is has fit into so many tiny parking spots i'll really miss that. i took the new prius for a test drive, and my impression was... "i really like it, i just wish it was a bit smaller." but even corollas are bigger than it by a smidge, so i figure i just have to adapt.
I know it. I love the idea of the Prius Prime, but it is too big to replace our small car and too small to replace our big car.
Quick follow up question, although its more of a dealership question, maybe. As I mentioned I'm in Toronto ON. Been calling around to dealers in the GTA and getting quoted 12-18 months wait. I got my current vehicle a couple hours north of the city from a dealer my family has gone to for several vehicles. That dealer is claiming a 3+ year wait and that anyone saying any less is lying. I mean it still doesn't provide much advantage for me to put an order in up north, other than them acting like they're the only dealer I can trust. Does anyone know if there in fact is better allocations for major city centres or if its all the same wait list? Or if there's anyone who is around my area who can speak to actual wait time experiences (probably a more difficult ask since everything seems to be in a perpetual state of flux) Thanks! (ps the Prime really has grown on me the more i think about it, this availability question is really my last major hurdle)
Can't say specifically for this, but the factory does tend to ship more cars to where there is more potential buyers or high volume dealers. IIRC, the general wait time when I got the 2005 was around 4 to 6 months, but my dealer got the car in under 6 weeks. Of course, dealers being dealers....
There are threads here where people from Canada discuss preordering and wait times. The fastest way to get one is to get on a list at as many dealers as possible, and take whatever they have in allocation. That being said, primes will be quite rare for some time since Toyota isn’t planning to build many
I heard that a 2022 earthquake in Japan badly damaged some of the chip factories that Toyota was buying from, so that's an additional setback for them. Steve, there is no magic way to get the car you want soon. See if you can place an order and, if you find a car sooner, cancel it without penalty. Try keeping in touch with someone at a dealership to let you know if a car comes in and that buyer cancels, maybe you can grab that one. We all like Toyotas, obviously, but also look at the Hyundai/Kia twins to see of something there meets your needs. Honda seems to be slow to get widely into hybrids and plug-in hybrids. By the way, we really like our 2016 Prime.
You might want to jump over to the 5th Gen Prius forums under the Prius section for discussion of the new cars