I am looking at buying a 2010 prius with 105k miles on it for $5895. Brake pads will need to be replaced in the next year. The original battery is still in the prius, however. The tech at the Toyota dealer in town said that it is healthy, but that typically they typically kaput at the 10 year mark. Is it worth it to buy the Prius with the original battery, assuming I will have to replace it in the couple years? Or should I continue my search for a Prius with a new battery.
I would be more worried about the head gasket than the battery. My sister has a 2010 with 272k and no battery issues. She’s on her second engine unfortunately. I also have a 2008 with 240k and no battery issues.
The techs at the Toyota Dealer recognized a small oil seepage in the timing cover, but based upon what I have read in these forums, it seems common. They didn't mention anything about the head gasket, what should I look out for when examining it?
you can't look. you'd have to do a leak down test. definitely plan on a battery, and hope for the best. if the headgasket is still good, clean the egr circuit, and add an oil catch can.
the tech is clueless about battery life, so i wouldn't trust anything they say. are you buying it from the dealer, or somewhere else?
I have a 2010 Prius with 98,000 miles, much like the one you are considering, that I bought new, runs perfectly. I recommend to people who are considering buying a used Prius to get the Dr. Prius app and run the battery tests. One tests shows whether the battery is running well now and another test estimates remaining battery capacity. You have to get an OBDII bluetooth enabled adapter that you plug into the under dash diagnostic port. If you are considering buying from a dealer, I don't know whether they will let you run the tests. There are other threads on the forum that discuss the head gasket issue. Some 3rd gen Prius owners have experienced head gasket failure. Many have found that the EGR (exhaust gas recirc) system gets clogged. The general conclusion is that the engine doesn't get the cooled air as designed, runs hot which increases risk of head gasket failure. If you are good at DIY and have the tools you can clean the cooler yourself but it is hard to get at and would be expensive to have a dealer do it. Here is a link to DIY videos, one of which shows the EGR cooler cleaning: Nutz About Bolts Prius Maintenance Videos | PriusChat I have a theory that the risk of failure may depend on ho you use the vehicle. My Prius is now our secondary vehicle and is only driven around town, so my engine doesn't get/stay hot for long. My theory may be totally wrong but I am not going to consider cleaning the cooler until 120,000 miles when spark plugs are due. How do you plan to drive it and how long do you plan to own it.?
Update in case this helps anyone else: 148000 miles Had to replace the battery (via greenbean battery) 168000 miles I got a blown head gasket. Still deciding what to do next- sell, rebuild engine, or dealer repairs headgasket
I'd say you got good value over 3 years and 60K+ miles. Have you gotten a quote on repair? Both new and used cars can be expensive these days so it could be a tough choice, depend on your finances.
The EGR supplied air is likely hotter, not cooler. But it’s also oxygen-depleted, which tends to partially quench the combustions. top two links in my signature have EGR cleaning tips, links. On a phone turn it landscape to see signature.