I need to go back a couple months, because that is when I first experienced this issue. One day, I hopped in my car, fired it up, and immediately started getting alternating messages: Hybrid System Malfunction…. Low Braking Power…. Anti collision system malfunction…. Please visit Dealer….. And along with all of this, all the indicator symbols on the right side of the dash were staying on. But besides all of that, the vehicle drove, and felt totally fine. None the less, I took it to the Toyota dealer. Of course (wouldn’t you know it) by the time I got it there, the messages had all gone away, and everything was back to normal. Still, I explained to the tech guy what it was doing, and I asked if they could put it on the diagnostic equipment and pull up any notes in the history of the vehicle performance. (my mechanic, and friend, who has been certified by Toyota, said they could… actually he suggested it) but the local dealer said they could not. I think they were just being lazy. But anyway, they said if it did it again, just bring it straight in (I brought it straight in before… but last time I was about 30 miles away) So today, out of the blue, it starts giving me all the same warning messages ☹️ This time, I was only a couple miles from the dealer, so I took it straight in, and left it running, powered up so the service manager could see all the messages. Oh, the car is a 22’ XLE with 27K miles on it. Anybody had anything like this happen to their Prius ? How was it rectified ? I had to leave the car there overnight. I will report back when I find out more. Good thing I have my truck for a backup. Plus I just washed it, and it even has some gas in it On the other hand, I’m out of work until I get it back…..
Try washing off the Toyota Emblem on the nose of your Prius. Any dirt on that emblem can block the radar antenna that is used to supplement the video. When the radar is blocked, many of the safety systems shut down. After cleaning the emblem, shutting the car down resets the systems. JeffD
Darn it… I wish I’d have at least checked that… but now it’s in the Toyota shop overnight ☹️ Keep in mind, I actually did just wash it, but admittedly, their were a TON of bugs on the front end, and I remember thinking while I was drying it, I’m just going to soak the front end end later with some bug and tar remover, and then wipe it all off…. But never got around to that… Hey btw, I knew about the little, round dime sized sensors around the car…. But your saying the emblem itself has a sensor built in, or behind it ?
The radar is directly behind the emblem. If it gets damaged, it is expensive so don't tailgate others. JeffD
OK thank you. I definitely don't tailgate. Don't have the time to be replacing windshields all the time. I'm fixing to run over to the dealership now, to catch them before they touch it.... and clean the front and and sensors really well, to see if I can fix it, without them having to mess with it.... Will report back later.
Latest update; So I got it back from the dealership. They said they never could determine what was causing all the error messages, but after a few startups, they did clear on their own. Apparently, putting it on the diagnostic tester didn't tell them what the actual problem was. So they told me, I could go ahead and take it, and if started throwing error messages again, the next step was to disconnect any accessories (stereo, 3 way camera) and bring it back to them. Of course 2 hrs after getting it back, it started with the error messages again. ☹️ With 2 or 3 starts and stops, I was able to get it to clear again... However, the check engine light is now staying on ? This morning, before I even started it, I disconnected my amplifier "before" I even started the car. And when I did, no errors.... Which was almost a bummer, as I'd hate to learn I was not ever going to have a nice stereo as long as I own the car. Also, I unplugged my 3 way camera (a necessity for ride share) However, after driving about 5 miles, Bam ! More error messages, hybrid system malfunction, collision avoidance system problem.. Low breaking power... Please take to dealership.... Anyway, I guess if there is anything good about all this, it's that the car starts and runs, completely normally. No problems with any of the functions that I can see ??? Of course I don't want to keep driving it this way... especially for ride share. Just a huge pain in the but ☹️ And in spite of the fact it's under warranty, I'm losing $200+ every day that I can't drive it ☹️ Your thoughts ?