Oh boy what a start to my day. I have very minor damage on the passenger side doors from the hub cap hitting it. Which looks like paint transfer to me and I believe it can be easily buffed out with some compound. I'm just glad I did not have any major damage. Dude said he "sneezed" and lost control. Sure bud and to nobody's surprise he left he scene on foot. He just walked away acting like he was on a call. Front Dash Cam View Rear Dash Cam View
Looks like just scuff marks and can be buffed out. Id say all things considered, this is a win. Could have gone much, much worse. A Prius in any kind of head on collision can easily be totalled out with so much electronics in the engine bay.
Yes very sad. But could have been worse. Glad it was only minor damage that can most likely be buffed out. Yes I believe so. Yes agreed. It could of have been much worse. Definitely looks like it can be buffed out. Thankfully.
Glad you're ok but I'm surprised you stopped. Maybe its different there but in Houston (where I just moved from), if you're ok, you just keep going. Too often a followup accident will happen as a result of the congestion from the first and people get hurt/killed. On a similar note as your incident, I had a fellow Prius owner at a gas station this weekend ask how I liked the new Prius. We talked about it and how our dealership advised us to be really careful as spare parts and even tires are hard to obtain for the new Prius. An accident could put yours in the shop for a while! (not like you could have dodged any more what you just encountered. sometimes it is just bad luck.)
Dang, glad you're okay and only have minor damages. Yes, Prius parts are not readily available...I believe the demand for new hybrids, due to crazy high gas prices, has caused this. I just checked my 2021 Prius car logs....hit a deer on October 10, 2021 and gave her to the collision repair folks the next day. Didn't get the car back until November 22nd. (New hood, most of front end, and windshield.) Just under $11,000
Glad you avoided the worst of it! This is a nightmare scenario for a new car owner. The car salesman that sold me my new Prius shared that many new car owners have a wreck in the first week of ownership. I suspect it has to do with getting used to the feel, sightlines, etc. Let that be a lesson to all of us with our new Prii. Be on guard for a while until driving becomes second nature again. And if one of us does happen to wreck our new Prius, it won't get fixed very quickly. In fact, it might get totaled with less than severe damage. This is another thing the salesman shared that has been happening during the supply crunch.
Still $3.55 here in mini-California (Colorado) with no hopes for relief anytime soon....I miss those Texas gas prices, for sure! (I saw $.99 a gallon in West Texas in 1990!)
That is the current U.S. average. California's average is $4.81. Due to the recent carbon tax, my state is averaging $4.83,
In 1980 gas was $1.22 or $4.51 inflation adjusted (IA). Prices had just gone steeply up. Drove a 1978 Corolla wagon. We just recovered from odd even gas rationing. In 2008 we bought two Gen2s after a three month waiting list, gas was $3.32 or $4.52 IA. By 2012 and a new gen3, gas was $3.70 or $4.69 IA. Last weekend was $2.85 retail and Inflation Adjusted. I would rather complain about Toyota distributor and dealer price gouging.
The dashcam quality is really good. Did you hardwire it? Do you have any pics of how you installed it? I'd like to pick up a dashcam for our Prius.
Thank you. I’m glad I got lucky with this one. I’m not really worried about it. There is no dings. All the marks are smooth and fingernails don’t caught when rubbing on it. No paint got chipped off. They are just scuff marks from the paint of the hub caps. This weekend I will probably try working on getting it off with some compound. VIOFO dash cams are really good dash cams for the price. Great video quality and not so expensive. Yes I do have it hardwired. I will try to get you pictures as soon as I can and post it here.
Might be able to rub it off with some compound on a microfiber towel over your finger. I don't think it'll take you more than a couple minutes.