My 2012 Prius v wagon has lost communication with the ECM when I was cleaning fuel injector and fuel shot out. I forgot to disconnect the battery. I hurried and disconnected the battery. I got everything put back with the injector and now the car won’t start and is showing code UO100. what do I do now?
The communication to one or more modules is bad. It almost always takes two attempts after the disconnect. Obviously check all connectors you touched around the engine. Clear codes. I would try disconnecting the battery negative for a minute or two and try again. If that does not work I would open the hood and aim a good fan at the area. If not a loose connection, the fuel has moved some dirt around and caused a short. In the future don't clean the injectors. They don't need it with additives included in all fuel. Even the cheap gas.
Prep out for a new ECU, assuming you shorted something. Check power to ECU, and any other fuses; ign., fuel inj., etc. If you have power to the ECU main then that's your dead giveaway. Good luck and seconding never cleaning injectors.