I'm being told there is an "application specific sealant" needed for this replacement and that it is indefinitely backordered. Is this accurate?
Really I think that's pretty wild Go over to permatex site and see what they have to say about it I can't imagine It may be some kind of specific if you look up that Toyota code for that sealant and cross-reference it to permatex or other large manufacturers I am sure it will not be as specific as we're believing but anything is possible so this is if you have the cover off not just remove the whole inverter like to do the campaign? So then there is some sort of permanent sealer that goes around that lid I can get behind that. I can also imagine that the big gasket makers and gasket FIPG makers have got you covered at least that's how I would go about it I'm not waiting for any back ordered sealant from Toyota that is preposterous to me.