My 2015 Prius Two is approaching 130,000 miles. It will likely hit 150k miles in the next two years. I ran the Dr. Prius battery tests and got the attached results. With a fair condition battery pack, I'm concerned it may not last much past the 150k mile warranty period. How can I get a battery replacement from Toyota? How stringent are they in testing the battery? Does it have to fail completely in order for them to replace it? Lastly, is there a way to accelerate battery decay or failure before 150k miles? Thanks in advance!
you have to get the trouble light/code for failure. anything short of that is not covered by warranty
you have to be cautious about 'doing' anything to cause failure. toyota has a black box that records everything in the car. there's a risk of course, it still might not fail while under warranty
Yeah That's true. But is it considered negligence to leave the car parked in the blistering desert sun for a month or so?
no, it can't be. there's no requirement to drive it, or park in a certain place. it would have to be something physically done to the car
You can accelerate the failure but the problem is there is no timeframe. It could get accelerated to fail at 151000 miles, when it would normally go 200,000. So you'll still be screwed
That's ok. It's just speculation. I will not do any of that stuff. I was just wondering if folks have had the hybrid battery go out immediately after the warranty expires. I'm thinking it probably happens around 200k miles or so...
Let me see if I’m getting this right. You have an app that claims it knows the future. You have a car that is running fine. You want a way to make that car fail before the app says it will. As it is said in Texas “HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!”
Speculating on that question would be like speculating how much longer an apparently healthy 45-year-old person has left to live. Nobody knows the answer, except that we know it won't live forever.
Both of my gen threes the battery went out well past 150,000 at least 20,000 past and my 2013 went to 247,000 I think. I got remanufactured batteries from the hybrid doctor I think it is up in Fairfax Virginia He's online had a nice shop and a nice setup up there and both of the batteries I got from him for very reasonable like $700 are working flawlessly so to say I'm happy is an understatement and one's been in service almost 2 years and the other I don't know about 9 10 months never a problem so far.