Six months after buying a 2022 prime xle, we noticed a hard to see Crack on the infotainment system’s bezel. Lower left corner. As a 30 year tech of.. everything.. I know this is a factory defect we didn’t notice. Dealer says “outside cause” and corporate follows what they say. No mark on screen or plastic means it just was weak designed and broke on a speed bump etc. Anyone else see this and one has to buy the $8000 infotainment system not just the bezel? I bet the junkyard has the bezel and it is removable. Any info appreciated. Thanks.
My current experience indicates that the display and computer behind the unit costs $9k. From what I can see it all comes as one unit so you would need to take it apart yourself if you get a decent bezel from the junkyard. A mechanic I am working with found some used units for about $850-$1k each. I'll find out if he can get my MFD running again this week when I take the Prime in.
Does is effect function? Maybe just use some 2-part epoxy on it? Is that what they’re asking now; last time I looked MSRP was $6k USD and change, and dealership was selling for as much as $1k less. $6k CDN and change is what we paid for a brand new civic in ‘81; how we progress.
$9k was what Toyota quoted me directly from their terminal at the dealership. Plus about $1k or so for labor (including the initial diagnosis).
Just saw this in the news. Doesn’t help you, just highlights a troublesome trend.
If it were mine I’d try to fix it with JB Weld before I’d pay that kind of money to replace it. Toyota doesn’t seem to give a crap about their customers like they use to.